Breathing coaches: training, overview of providers, information

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Are you looking to train as a breathing trainer? - Here you will find suitable schools as well as further information, tips and resources for further training.

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Breathing trainers: specialists in respiratory gymnastics

Healthy breathing exercises that we know and practice today originate from Eastern breathing and movement schools such as yoga, tai chi and qi gong. In respiratory therapy or respiratory gymnastics, the human being is viewed as a holistic being, which means that the physical, psychological and social perspectives are considered important by a breathing trainer.

The breath seems to be controlled automatically by the brain. However, experiences, thoughts and feelings can have an effect on this automatism. Lack of exercise, stress and poor posture impair regular and deep breathing, which can lead to individual organs or body regions not being supplied with enough oxygen and carbon dioxide only being removed to a limited extent. This in turn can be the cause of headaches, tiredness or tension.

One of the most important goals of breathing training with a breathing trainer is to consciously perceive breathing. This has a positive effect on respiratory function and leads to a denser oxygen supply and relaxation. It is important to breathe deeply into the abdomen through conscious breathing. You can train yourself to breathe into your belly within a very short time with regular exercises.

Would you like to work as a breathing trainer and teach other people this valuable knowledge about breathing? Are you looking for courses that will qualify you for this? Here on the Swiss education portal you can quickly and directly find numerous interesting training courses in the field of respiratory gymnastics and respiratory therapy.

Questions and answers

Die Atemtherapie hat viele Einsatzbereiche und befasst sich sowohl mit der Steigerung des Wohlbefindens, als auch mit der Schmerzlinderung und der Gesundheitsprävention. Da Schmerz und körperliche Beschwerden jedoch nicht ausschliesslich auf den Körper, sondern auch auf die Seele wirken, wird die Atemtherapie nie ausschliesslich für die physische Genesung eingesetzt, sondern befasst sich auch immer mit dem psychischen Befinden der Klienten. Ein Atemtrainer bzw. eine Atemtrainerin setzt seine/ihre unterschiedlichen Therapieformen jedoch auch bei ausschliesslich psychischen Beschwerden ein, die keinerlei körperliche Ursachen haben, wie etwa Burn-out oder Anfänge einer Depression. Auch zur Steigerung der Ausgeglichenheit und inneren Harmonie, zur Orientierung in einer neuen Lebensphase und zur Behandlung von Angstattacken wird die Atemtherapie oftmals eingesetzt.
Die Inhalte einer Ausbildung zum Atemtrainer bzw. zur Atemtrainerin variieren je nach Schule, bei der Sie diese Ausbildung absolvieren, sowie je nach Abschluss, den Sie anstreben. Mögliche Inhalte sind:
  • Atembeobachtung
  • Atemraumaufbau
  • Atemtherapeutische Behandlungsstrategien
  • Taktile Atemintervention
  • Ganzkörpermassage
  • Atemmassage
  • VAKO-Wahrnehmung
  • Berührungsqualitäten
  • Vokal-Atemarbeit
  • Rhythmus
  • Stimmmodulation
  • Rhythmuszentriertes Arbeiten
  • Periperiearbeit
  • Schmerzbehandlung
  • Flucht und Abwehr
  • Medianlehre
  • Meditative Bewegungsübung
Die Ausbildung zum Atemtrainer oder zur Atemtrainerin wird in der Regel berufsbegleitend durchgeführt, so dass Sie problemlos auch weiterhin Ihrem Beruf vollumfänglich nachgehen, bzw. als Familienfrau oder -mann tätig sein können. Ein Lehrgang in Atemtherapie erstreckt sich meist über einen längeren Zeitraum von etwa zwei Jahren und findet etwa alle 4 bis 7 Wochen an 1.5 bis 2 Tagen statt. Diese Tage sind in der Regel Freitag und Samstag.
Bei einer Ausbildung zum Atemtrainer handelt es sich nicht um eine eidgenössisch anerkannte Ausbildung, wie beispielsweise solche, die mit Abschluss eines Fachausweises oder Diploms einer Höheren Fachschule (HF) oder Höheren Fachprüfung (HFP) enden. Dennoch geniessen diese Ausbildungen, sofern Sie bei einem professionellen Bildungsanbieter absolviert werden, grosses Ansehen und können, in Verbindung mit einer Diplomarbeit und einer schulmedizinischen Basisausbildung von mindestens 150 Stunden, zu einer Krankenkassenanerkennung in Komplementärmedizin führen. Nähere Informationen dazu erteilen Ihnen die Schulen direkt oder die Branchenverbände.

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

Preview of the video «4 Schritte zur richtigen Weiterbildung»

Haven't found the right training or further education yet? Benefit from educational advice now!

Further training is not only important in order to maintain or increase professional attractiveness, investing in training or further training is still the most efficient way to increase the chances of a pay rise.

The Swiss education system offers a wide range of individual training and further education opportunities - depending on your personal level of education, professional experience and educational goals.

Choosing the right educational offer is not easy for many prospective students.

Which training and further education is the right one for my path?

Our education advisory team will guide you through the "education jungle", providing specific input and relevant background information to help you choose the right offer.

Your advantages:

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  • Suggestions for suitable courses, seminars or training programs based on the information you provide in the questionnaire
  • An overview of the different levels and types of education
  • Information about the Swiss education system

We offer our educational counseling in the following languages on request: French, Italian, English

Register now and concretize your training plans.


Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung

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Kanzleistrasse 17
8004 Zürich
IKP Institute for Body-Centered Psychotherapy
(5,0) Very good 167 167 Ratings (97% )
Welcome to IKP - your training institute for holistic therapies. Here you will find in-service training and further education courses in psychotherapy, psychosocial counseling, nutritional-psychological counseling, couples and family counseling, breathing therapy and psychological coaching.
The special feature of the IKP method is that not only counseling-therapeutic conversations are used, but also emotion-feeling-centered methods: bodywork, role dialogues, creative means, movement, deep relaxation and imagination exercises.
The IKP training courses are recognized by important professional associations and comply with the standards of the EMR and ASCA (health insurance billing).
Strengths: Training and further education at IKP: scientific ▪ practice-oriented ▪ recognized
Experiences of Swisscom employees about this course and this school. » More info…
Discount for Swisscom employees: 10% (when registering via this platform at «Course registration» )
Region: Bern, Zürich
Sites: Bern, Zürich
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Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:

Dorfstrasse 1
5233 Stilli b. Brugg AG
(5,6) Excellent 32 32 Ratings (100% )
Welcome to LIKA, College for Breathing - Counseling - Therapy

- Diploma course in Body and Breath Therapy LIKA
- Branch certificate OdA KT, Complementary Therapy
- Federal Diploma in Complementary Therapy, Breath Therapy Method
- Supervision Compact, course
- Many different further training courses and courses in bodywork, breathing seminars,
psychology, mindfulness, Buddhism, boundary work, systemic constellations and much more
- Courses for anyone interested: Yoga, meditation, breathing and movement

The training and further education courses are eduQua-certified. The breathing therapy course is OdA-accredited.
Strengths: Beautiful training location by the river. Pleasant atmosphere in the seminar house. Qualified, experienced lecturers. Synergies of tradition and modernity as well as exciting offers.
Discount for Swisscom employees: 15% (when registering via this platform at «Course registration» )
Discount conditions: Der Rabatt gilt auf alle Tagesseminare. Bei mehrtätigen Weiterbildungen oder Ausbildungen Rabatt auf Anfrage.
Region: Aargau
Sites: Stilli b. Brugg AG
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Spitalackerstrasse 67
3013 Bern
Preview of the video «Atemtherapeut / Atemtherapeutin (Zert.)»
Preview of the video «Atemtherapeut / Atemtherapeutin (Zert.)»
Ateminstitut Switzerland - agathe löliger gmbh
- Completion with branch certificate OdA KT, breathing therapy method
- Access to the higher professional examination for complementary therapists with a federal diploma
- Diploma course in breathing therapy according to Prof. Ilse Middendorf "The Perceptible Breath"
- Direct federal funding for higher professional education

We are committed to holistic, resource-oriented and Swiss-recognized training and further education. Breath therapy is one of the oldest complementary therapeutic methods. The physical, mental and spiritual powers inherent in the human being are strengthened through the attentive perception of the unconscious breathing pattern to the experienced own breathing process and the development of the breathing power.
The central stimulation of the processes of consciousness through breathing influences the awareness of sensation and the emotional life. The process-centered modular course offers you a comprehensive basis for applying what you have experienced and learned after completion.
Strengths: Practice-oriented and recognized: Training and further education / postgraduate course integrated in the course / supervision / intervision / courses / weekly hours
Region: Bern
Sites: Bern
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Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung

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