English language studies: Experience reports - Pascal Sissaoui's experiences in Ireland

Portrait-Foto Pascal Sissaoui
Pascal Sissaoui has completed a language study trip to
Galway / Ireland graduated

Pascal Sissaoui, 21 years old, wanted to learn English on a language study trip. He is completing a three-month language course in Ireland and tells us about his experiences. He hopes that his report will motivate others to attend a language school as well.

Why did you decide to study English?

The reason for choosing an English language study trip is quite simple:

  • For one thing, I wanted to see something different and gain different experiences from my day-to-day work in Switzerland.
  • On the other hand, in my case it also helped to bridge the time between the military in November and the start of my studies next September.

In which country and in which city did your language study trip take place?

I spent 3 months at a language school in Ireland. The port city of Galway is located on the west coast of Ireland.

When did you complete your language study trip to Ireland? How long did it last?

I was in Ireland from May to July 2019. It was a useful way of bridging the gap between the military and my studies. And in doing so, I intensively developed my English language skills.

How satisfied were you with your language study trip? What did you particularly like?

Yes, I really enjoyed learning English on a language study trip. I was able to gain new experiences and was willing to change my lifestyle. You get to know new ways of life and broaden your horizons. I got to know the legendary "Irish Breakfast", saw ruins and cliffs, tried tandem biking, swam in the cold sea at around 17° and visited Dublin.

What did the English language school in Ireland do for you personally and for your career?

Professionally, it is a plus point if the language certificate you have obtained can be added to your CV. Even the addition of shorter language stays without a diploma is, on the whole, equally well regarded. So it clearly pays off to learn English during a language study trip.

What tips would you give anyone interested in studying English?

If I were to give you one tip, it would be the following:

  1. Take the right clothing with you. Don't just check "Meteo" to see whether the sun is expected or not. But also check whether the temperatures are the same or similar to those in Switzerland. For Ireland, for example, this means that it is naturally a lot colder locally. However, I have met several colleagues who arrived with the completely wrong equipment. It should also be borne in mind that the northern and southern hemispheres do not have summer and winter at the same time. Just a little input from me.
  2. Be prepared to make some adjustments to your lifestyle. This means different food and different meal times. Respect is also understood and practiced differently. The same things that are well regarded here are not necessarily well regarded locally. So be prepared for certain changes.

Which English language course providers have you registered with?

I organized my language study trip to Ireland through ESL. I went to the language travel agency there for advice. We created a profile that included my choice of language, my preferred locations and other preferences. From the resulting matrix, ESL chose Galway as the location.

How satisfied were you with this language school provider?

I was very happy with this choice. I can therefore only recommend ESL. There are of course other companies that also offer language courses. However, I can't give any feedback on these.

Photos of my language study trip to Galway and the surrounding area (click on the pictures to enlarge):

Seltenes Wetter Sonnenaufgang nach einer laaaaaaannnngen Nacht Irish Breakfast Menlo Castle - Eines von vielen Ruinen Flussüberqueerung mit Privatschiff Laufen, laufen, laufen Bis ans End der Welt Aran Cliffs Tandem ausprobiert Mit dem Velo auf den Aran Islands Eingang ins Märchen-Land Einmal baden war natürlich Pflicht (Wassertemperatur ~17°) Guinness-Store-House Klang-Garten in Dublin

Overview Language study abroad providers English