European business schools: workshops, education, courses
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Are you interested in courses, education or workshops from European business schools?

Here at you find quickly and easily various educational offers on (international) business and management topics. Benfit from free and non-binding course material which you can download via the request form.

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European business schools: Focus on the economy

The economy of a country contributes significantly to the prosperity of its population. It is a very dynamic entity that is exposed to ups and downs. These markets also have been subject to fundamental changes and transformation in recent years. Globalization has led to an ever-increasing demand for networking and relations. People travel all over the world and expect/demand to find all their used products, goods and services wherever they are.

One of the countries that had one of the most rapid economic rises between 2000 and now was China. China has become a major economic power that also has great influence on the European market. Global networking, especially in economical matters, requires more than ever to have good relationships and, above all, knowledge of other cultures and economic mechanisms. Because every country and industry have their own rules that must be considered in economic activities and trade. Only this way a company can assert itself internationally and grow. At European business schools the participants get equipped with the necessary tools and knowledge for their jobs in the business world. The understanding of economic processes is sharpened and supported.

For this purpose, classical management theories are discussed and then applied to practical examples. The following topics are mostly covered at European business schools: Business management, innovation management, strategic management, intercultural management, business ethics, digital marketing, sales, logistics, finance and HR. A further important component is the so-called area study, which gives an insight into other economies such as China, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe or South America. In most cases, other companies are visited and various language courses can also be completed. Often a European business school course includes an internship abroad.

Are you interested in European business or business in general? Would you like to start a career in a business leadership role and be able to influence the economic happenings? Then a course at European business schools is just the right thing for you.

Here at you will find suitable educational offers from European business schools which you can compare with each other. Order your free and without obligation course materials quickly and easily using the online request form. Are you still unsure and would like personal advice? Then you have the opportunity to make an individual consultation appointment with the school. If you already have chosen an educational offer then you can sign up for a course right away.

Fragen und Antworten

There are several European business schools. However, you will not always find them under this designation. It is therefore advisable to focus on their content when looking for the right school. Is content taught in the areas of economics, business and management? How is the program structured? What is the focus of the content?

Here at you will find a selection of schools that fit into the category of European business schools. You can contact them directly via the request form. You also have the possibility to make a personal consultation appointment and learn more about the course. This way you can see if the course fits your wishes, ideas and goals.

European business schools often offers a broad-based program. Different contents are taught here, where an economic / business / management-perspective is usually taken.

The following topics are frequently addressed:

  • Business Administration, Business Management (BWL)
  • Economics (VWL)
  • Data Analytics
  • Data Science
  • Financial Accounting
  • International Management
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Real Estate
  • Strategy and Consulting
  • Languages
  • Cultures

Many European business schools emphasize their holistic education. They emphasize that the content blocks are not strictly separated from each other. This is how they try to link content, interconnect it and create relationships. This is because managers have to operate in a highly dynamic environment. Here it is not enough to follow a classical scheme, but it must be possible to establish links between different areas and topics. For detailed information about the content structure and focus, please contact the European business school of your choice directly.

At European business schools you will acquire all the necessary professional knowledge and skills for a successful professional future.

You will first acquire the theoretical basis in various compulsory and elective modules with different focuses. Many schools emphasize that practical relevance is established at an early stage. In this way, the theory can be optimally implemented and applied immediately in everyday life or at work.

Most European business schools also offer company visits to renowned companies. This gives you the opportunity to gain a unique insight into the workings of a company. Here, too, you can combine theory with practice.

Normally, each module is completed individually with an exam or paper. It is common to write a thesis or take a final exam at the end. However, some schools handle this differently. Please contact the European business school of your choice directly for further information. 

In principle, no specific knowledge of economics/business/management is required - though this may vary by school. Of course, it is advantageous if you already know about economic topics.

At European business schools, however, you are given a well-founded introduction to all the important economic/management/business theories and topics. After that, you attend modules that build on the basic knowledge and you often have the opportunity to specialize. An interest in what is happening in the economy, business and management is a must.

For some schools, in addition to sending in your CV and diplomas, you also have to go through a multi-stage application process. Here, the performance and study ability are individually tested. Such an application procedure usually includes a personality test, knowledge test, individual interviews and a final counseling session.

It is best to contact the European business school of your choice directly. This way you will learn more about the admission requirements as well as the application procedure. At the same time, you have the opportunity to find out whether you fulfill the requirements.

An education at European business schools provides you with knowledge, competencies and skills to start your career in an (international) company. It opens many doors for you and lays the foundation for a career in business management, economics and leadership.

Here innovative and entrepreneurial minds are challenged and encouraged. At the same time, European Business schools are characterized not only by its broad learning content, but also by its international and culturally diverse study environment.

This is where prospective business players from all over the world meet. Relationships are forged and an international network is built. Today multilingually and interculturally trained business people are in demand all over the world. They are important players in the context of globalization and play a significant role in shaping its development.

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Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


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Sich weiterzubilden ist nicht nur wichtig, um die berufliche Attraktivität halten bzw. steigern zu können, nach wie vor ist die Investition in eine Aus- oder Weiterbildung der effizienteste Weg, um die Chancen auf eine Lohnerhöhung zu steigern.

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