Swiss business school: workshops, education, courses
4 Anbieter
Swiss business school: business and management at its best
Fragen und Antworten
What is the use of an education at a Swiss business school?
An education at a Swiss business school will prepare you for a successful career in the fields of economics, business and management. Many career opportunities are open to you afterwards.
Afterwards, you can take on the role of a (business, supply chain or brand) manager, partner or owner, HR expert or entrepreneur.
For this purpose, you are taught (theoretical) specialist knowledge. Furthermore, your business management and leadership skills are trained.
You have also the opportunity to meet different people in a Swiss business school and to establish valuable contacts and relationships that can be groundbreaking for your career.
Who can participate a Swiss business school?
In principle, anyone can attend a Swiss business school, if they are interested in the topics and tasks covered there.
Depending on the provider, however, professional experience is still required. If it is a master's program, then a completed bachelor's degree in at least a related field, such as business psychology, business administration, marketing or business communication is usually required.
Some schools also require a certain grade point average or the submission of a language test to prove the language skills (for example TOEFL).
Depending on the case, an admission "sur dossier" is also possible at a Swiss business school. In this case, your background will be examined individually by the head of the program.
Please contact the respective school directly and ask for the admission requirements.
How is the education procedure at a Swiss business school?
An education at a Swiss business school classically contains a theoretical part, in which the basics about business, management, economics and leadership are taught.
But also internships, visits to companies or excursions as well as visits to forums, symposia or lectures by guest speakers are an integral part.
Thus, there is the possibility to apply the learned knowledge immediately.
What topics are covered in a Swiss business school?
In a Swiss business school the relevant topics around business and management are taught.
Depending on the provider, however, the focus of the topics may vary. Please contact the school of your choice directly for further information.
In general, the following topics can be addressed:
- Business Communication
- Business Management
- Research Methods in Management (quantitative and qualitative methods)
- Human Resource Management
- Project Management
- Business Law and Ethics
- Corporate Finance
- International Economics
- International Business Management
- European Business Management
- Chinese Business Management
- (Business) Marketing and Public Relations
- Strategic Management
- Strategic Leadership
What do I learn in a Swiss business school?
In a Swiss business school you will learn all the knowledge and the basic craft to work as a future business leader in (international) companies from different size but also start-ups.
You learn the different mechanisms behind business and future-oriented companies, but also the influence and importance of cultural aspects. You will learn how companies can be managed in a goal-oriented way and thus grow successfully, namely by operating in customer-oriented fields.
For this purpose, the necessary skills such as dealing with complexity, creativity, problem solving, language skills and dealing with new things are trained.
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Sich weiterzubilden ist nicht nur wichtig, um die berufliche Attraktivität halten bzw. steigern zu können, nach wie vor ist die Investition in eine Aus- oder Weiterbildung der effizienteste Weg, um die Chancen auf eine Lohnerhöhung zu steigern.
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