Bach Flowers (Cert.) (Region Ostschweiz):
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Questions and answers
Bach flower blends: What dosage forms of Bach flower essences are there?
Bach flower essences as Bach flower mixtures are available in the following dosage forms:
- Bach flower drops
- Bach flower emergency drops
- Bach Flower Spray
- Bach flower globules
- Bach flower pastilles
- Bach Flower Cream
- Bach flower tea
Bach Flower Therapist Training: Is there an online Bach Flower Therapist Training?
Bach Flower Therapy training is also available as Bach Flower Therapy distance learning or Bach Flower Therapy training online. According to modern online teaching or hybrid teaching (combination of online and face-to-face), the knowledge in Bach Flower Therapy can also be competently imparted. The advantage of online learning is that it is independent of location and time - it is usually possible to start training at any time.
Bach flower therapist: What does "Bach flower training EMR recognized" mean?
Entry in the EMR is a quality label that certifies a therapist's professional competence in the methods for which they are registered in the EMR. You are therefore in good therapeutic hands with them and will receive partial reimbursement of the therapy costs (depending on your insurance) from your supplementary health insurance.
But ATTENTION: Bach flower therapy alone is not a method recognized by the EMR. Only those who are already registered with a recognized therapy method can register with the EMR with Bach flower therapy.
Bach Flower Remedies training: What does a Bach Flowers certificate course teach?
There is no set curriculum for Bach flower training that all schools and training providers have to follow in the same way. Therefore, you will find a different structure, content, focus and also a different duration of the course at each provider. For example, a Bach flower course may have the following content:
- History and philosophy of Dr. Edward Bach
- Areas of application
- Modes of action
- Compilation of individual flower mixtures
- Production of flower essences
- Healing processes
- The 38 Bach flowers
- The 7 groups of Dr. Bach
- The 12 healers
- Type blossoms and mood blossoms
- Advice and discussion
Please enquire about the exact curriculum of the individual schools directly with the responsible persons.
Bach Flower Consultants: How does the Bach Flower Consultation work?
Bach flower therapy is a well-known alternative medical procedure that assumes that illnesses are based on a mental imbalance and have a psychological origin. A Bach flower test offers help in recognizing current blocked emotional potentials. This is used to determine which Bach flowers can currently help the person and how the Bach flower mixture should be composed.
Can I work as a therapist after a Bach flower course?
The nature of your work and the extent of your skills after a Bach flower course depends primarily on the type and duration of the training. A one-day seminar cannot provide you with the knowledge you need to assist other people therapeutically and to be financially remunerated for these services. This is because, in addition to specialist knowledge, you also need counseling skills, including how to conduct conversations and sessions. If you want your therapy method to be recognized by health insurance companies, i.e. if you want your patients to be able to settle their bills via supplementary health insurance, you must meet precisely prescribed requirements, such as those of the ASCA. You can find more detailed information directly from the associations.
Bach flower therapy training: Which target group is a Bach flower course aimed at?
If you are interested in a Bach flower course, you should above all be open to new things. If you want to complete a Bach flower therapy course, you should be willing to learn about the effects and application of the healing energies of the flowers and understand them in their entire spectrum. However, most training courses do not require any previous knowledge of alternative medicine. Only for advanced courses is the advanced course a prerequisite.
Tips, tests and information on "Bach Flower Course"
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