How well known is the "Site Manager (AFPE)" qualification among potential employers?

What are the professional benefits of continuing education, further training?

The Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education (AFPE) as a construction manager with a federal diploma is held inon behalf of ten professional associations(Baukader Schweiz, Bund Schweizer Architekten BSA, Holzbau Schweiz, Organisation Bauleitung Schweiz OBS, Schweizer Baumeisterverband SBV, Schweiz. Ingenieur- und Architekten-Verein SIA, Schweizerische Vereinigung Beratender Ingenieure USIC, Schweizerische Zentralstelle für Baurationalisierung CRB, Swiss Engineering STV, Verband Freierwerbender Architekten FSAI) and is under the supervision of the State Secretariat for Education, Research, Research and Innovation (SERI).

The broad support from the associations shows how great the need is for experienced and highly qualified professionals in the field of construction management. At present (July 2021), around 2,300 site managers hold this protected title and are valued as valuable experts in the main and ancillary construction trades. There is a wide range of job opportunities for construction managers and with the federal diploma you hold ahigh trump cardin your hand, because the AFPE not only certifies your knowledge, but also your many years of experience.

Provider of continuing education, further training for site managers (AFPE)