Energetic Healing (Cert.) (Region Zentralschweiz):
2 Provider
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Questions and answers
What is distance healing?
Energetic healing can also be practiced using the so-called distance healing method. As the term suggests, in this approach the patient and the healer are not in the same room. The healing energy is still transmitted, but at a distance.
To do this, the patient lies down at home and relaxes. The medium begins to open up and uses the instrument of a picture of the patient, for example, to transmit the healing energy to the chakras, i.e. the client's energy centers.
How does energetic healing work?
Energetic healing differs from conventional medicine above all in its understanding of what is meant by illness. In simplified terms, conventional medicine basically assumes a physical defect caused by external influences or an internal disorder of the immune and cardiovascular systems. These are treated, combated, corrected and perhaps even eradicated with appropriate drug therapies.
In contrast, Energetic Healing does not focus primarily on the illness itself, but on the treatment of a sick person as a whole. Rather, it views illness in close relation to a disturbed, natural, complex, mental, energetic regulatory system and not as an autonomous physical malfunction in itself.
Such a disturbance can be caused by an imbalance in energy flows, for example. This imbalance can result in a lack or excess of energy, which in turn affects well-being and health by destabilizing them.
Energetic healing can contribute to a holistic harmonization and activation of such disturbed energy waves and thus have a healing effect on body, mind and soul.
Nevertheless, it should be noted here that a healing effect depends on many factors: on the person, the medium and the time, as well as on the willingness of the soul itself to be helped. For this reason, energetic therapies can have very different effects on people with basically identical classical medical findings.
What does energetic healing mean?
The term energetic healing refers to a special approach, a kind of energy healing of body, mind and soul. It is based on a naturally interwoven energetic pattern that surrounds the world and the living beings in it on the one hand, and is aligned by a universal creative force on the other. Using various techniques, such as the laying on of hands, self-healing powers are activated and the so-called chakras, i.e. the subtle energy centers, are harmonized. Energetic healing, which is very closely linked to spiritual healing, focuses on the energy flows in the human nervous system. This is where energy is produced by countless tiny nerve cells, which in turn are released as electrical impulses. Harmonizing the energy flows in this way should not only have a positive effect on illnesses, but can also be used preventively against negative energy sources or energy flows. This supports and strengthens individual bodily functions, well-being, health and personal development.
The healing takes place on a divine-spiritual level. By opening up, the healer acts as a channel through which the healing energy can flow. This energy is then placed exactly where it needs to be restored, cleansed or brought back into balance from an energetic perspective. In this way, energetic healing can release healing blockages and mobilize self-healing processes. It can therefore be ideally used as a supportive supplement to conventional medicine.
What are topics or related topics to Energetic Healing?
Spiritual healing, medium, resonance, laying on of hands, numerology, alternative medicine, healing art, spirituality, esotericism, faith, soul, energy.
What is numerology?
Numerological counseling works with the symbolic properties of numbers and their combinations, which go far beyond basic mathematical understanding. There are various calculation systems for this, such as the Cheiro system. This makes it possible to calculate the personal life number from the date of birth and name and also to obtain information about the current status or life situation of a person. Furthermore, information about the future can be formulated and solutions to stress and problems can be identified. Numerology can provide support:
- In the search for the right profession, or your own vocation
- In times of crisis to determine the current situation and look to the future
- For relationship and parenting issues
The craft of numerology can now also be learned in online courses or through distance learning.
How does energetic healing therapy work?
The range of energetic healing methods is huge and it is not possible to draw a clear line between energetic, mental and spiritual practices, rather they overlap. Each technique has its own character in terms of type, duration, intensity and mode of action. This essentially depends on the healer's individual way of making contact with the spiritual world. Due to a pronounced sensitivity and intuition, the healer is able to sense where energetic deficits or burdens arise or occur in a person. These findings provide the basis for the choice of the appropriate method or decision on how to proceed. It takes place independently of the symptoms or the course of the patient's illness.
Energetic healing can be carried out, for example, through the physical laying on of hands, prayer healing, observation of the energy field or intuition. The basis for this is a holistic approach to the world and people, which draws trust from the divine and with which the desired energy transfer can take place. The healer acts as a medium in the therapy by transmitting the healing energies to the patient. The patient absorbs the energies uncontrollably and unconsciously to the extent that they are needed.
In energetic healing, a distinction is made between distant healing, or prayer healing, and contact healing. They can consist of individual, short sessions or several sessions carried out over a longer period of time.
What does a healer do?
In the energetic or spiritual art of healing, the healer assumes a mediating function. Thanks to or through him/her, the healing powers anchored in the divine-universal consciousness are transferred to the patient and their disturbed energy flows.
The medium herself has no healing powers, but rather stimulates the activation of a holistic regeneration process on the part of the client through impulses. Ultimately, it is the universal-spiritual consciousness that flourishes in the soul of the person seeking help and thus stimulates their own healing process.
Who is energetic healing suitable for?
Energetic healing can be used as an independent therapy or as a supplement to any other form of treatment, such as conventional medicine or psychotherapy. Energetic healing is suitable for:
- for stressed people to reduce stress and relax
- for psychological or physical ailments such as anxiety, depression, worry, burnout, headaches, migraines, diabetes, asthma, pain, broken bones, gastrointestinal complaints, cardiovascular problems, dizziness, whiplash, sleep disorders, panic attacks, skin problems
- for psychological injuries such as bullying, death, violence, relationship problems
- in case of exhaustion and lack of energy and motivation
- for energetic cleansing and releasing blockages of all kinds (phobias, traumas, test anxiety)
- for people who are looking for personal development on a spiritual level
- for people who want a holistic-spiritual healing without the use of medication
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