Feng Shui (Cert.) (Region Zentralschweiz):
2 Provider
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Questions and answers
What does "Feng Shui furnishing" mean?
"Feng Shui furnishing" means that all rooms, furniture, colors and other furnishings are selected, built and placed according to the principles of Feng Shui. The ying and yang doctrine (the bagua aligned with the cardinal points) and the five elements doctrine (every object influences the energy in a room with its shape, color and material) play an important role in this. These furnishings create a balanced environment that is conducive to health and well-being.
What are the most important rules for Feng Shui living rooms?
The most important rules for Feng Shui living rooms are:
- Location of the room (near the entrance, on the active side, lots of daylight)
- Cardinal points (south-east for career/finance, south for liveliness/sociability, south-west for teamwork/social skills/partnership and west for sensuality/enjoyment/creativity).
- Arrangement of furniture etc. (back to the wall, no door in the back, do not sit facing the window)
- Color selection according to meaning - e.g. colorful for family
- Select natural materials according to the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water)
- Less is more and round shapes
- Decoration according to Feng Shui aspects
- Lighting with various indirect light sources
- Cleanliness and order
For whom is Feng Shui training suitable?
Feng Shui training is suitable for people who want to learn about and apply the principles of this method. In most cases, only basic vocational training is required - however, please enquire about the requirements at the individual training institutes. However, strong social skills and a love of working with people are useful for this course.
Is there also a Feng Shui garden?
Feng shui consultants not only deal with room furnishings and house architecture, but also with garden and landscape design as well as urban planning aspects. So feng shui gardens do exist. A garden can also be created or optimized according to the principle of Feng Shui and with appropriate plants.
How long do Feng Shui courses last?
Feng Shui courses last from a few days (1 - 7 days) to several months (approx. 6 - 24 months) and can be completed on a part-time basis. However, the structure of the training varies from school to school, please enquire at the training institute. The training is completed with a diploma or certificate from the school.
What do the Feng Shui colors mean?
The Feng Shui colors each have a specific effect and these can be used to balance and express moods. While red has a stimulating and vitalizing effect, blue promotes the ability to concentrate and think logically. Orange, on the other hand, stands for joy, life affirmation and exuberance. Brown supports serenity, adaptation and practical relevance.
Why Feng Shui bedrooms?
As we spend a large part of our time (around a third) in the bedroom and want to relax and unwind there, Feng Shui bedrooms can be worthwhile. It allows you to create an oasis of calm for body and mind. The location (the back of a building is ideal), the position of the bedroom door and bed and the lighting are important. Neutral colors, few patterns, natural materials and round shapes are important.
What is the difference between Space Clearing and a Feng Shui apartment?
During space clearing, places and rooms are energetically cleared and purified so that stressful and stagnant energies are dissolved and transformed. The aim is to restore harmonious spatial energy. This allows you to develop new vitality and confidence. This is because it removes harmful invisible subtle energies. In classic Chinese feng shui, this energy level is not addressed directly, as the focus is on the orientation and design of the building, the arrangement and structure of the rooms and the organization of the furnishings. A feng shui home and space clearing touch each other and complement each other to create a harmonious living space that is as healthy and beneficial as possible.
Feng Shui training: Who practices Feng harmony professionally?
Feng Shui consultants practise Feng Shui as a profession. They usually work on a freelance basis. Often the consultant's work is integrated into an existing profession (interior designer, building biologist, interior decorator). However, it is of course also possible to work as a full-time Feng Shui consultant.
Feng Shui consultant training: What does a Feng Shui consultation involve?
A Feng Shui consultation includes:
- Support clients in creating a balanced environment that promotes human health, well-being and success
- Optimizing the energy field in private and professional environments
- Recognize natural and technical "interference fields" that can impair well-being
- Suggesting measures to eliminate interference zones (caused, for example, by electrical and electromagnetic radiation)
- Developing color concepts for rooms
- Observe dimensions and proportions when designing the rooms
You will learn everything important for such a consultation in a Feng Shui consultant training course.
Tips, tests and information on "Feng Shui (cert.)"
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