Real Estate Developer (BP) (Region Westschweiz):
2 Provider
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Questions and answers
What content is taught in the real estate developer course with a federal certificate?
- Law
- Structural knowledge
- Project management
- Real estate development
Can I continue my education after obtaining the federal certificate in real estate development?
What skills does the real estate developer course with a federal certificate teach?
What skills are required to train as a real estate developer?
The following skills are required for training as a real estate developer:
- Analytical thinking
- Observation skills
- Decision-making ability
- Interest in real estate and the real estate industry
- Organizational talent
- Commercial skills
- Communication skills
- Negotiating skills
What are the admission criteria for the professional examination for real estate developers with a federal certificate?
The following admission requirements apply to the final examination for real estate developers with a federal certificate:
- Certificate of proficiency (apprenticeship certificate) for an apprenticeship of at least three years
- Maturity certificate
- Commercial diploma (recognized by the federal government)
- Completion of a federal certificate, a federal diploma, a federal college of higher education or a federally recognized university.
- Three years of professional experience up to the examination date in the real estate industry after completing the aforementioned training/continuing education. At least two years of professional experience must have been gained in Switzerland or the Principality of Liechtenstein.
- Anyone who can demonstrate five years of professional experience in the real estate industry will be admitted to the examination, even if they do not have any of the above-mentioned qualifications. At least two years of professional experience must have been gained in Switzerland or the Principality of Liechtenstein.
- No entries in the criminal record that contradict the purpose of the check.
Why learn real estate development?
Those who learn real estate development can contribute to the following:
- To ensure that a client can be sure that his investment in a large real estate project will pay off in a few years, the real estate developer advises him with sound knowledge on all issues.
- To give an investor an idea of the potential of a site on the edge of a housing estate, the real estate developer prepares a market value profitability study.
- In order for a construction project to be realized, the real estate developer analyzes the planning basis and works out the entire project process, including the financing of the land purchase and the work contracts.
- In order to calculate the increase in value of a newly acquired property for a client, the real estate developer develops conversion ideas and feasibility studies.
What are the tasks of a professional real estate developer?
Typical tasks as a professional real estate developer are as follows:
- Professional implementation of real estate projects
- Search for suitable land for a real estate project or for market-driven (re)use ideas for an existing property
- examine the potential of a site and draw up feasibility studies for various utilization options develop
- clarify the implementation of a real estate project with the municipal spatial planning and building authorities
- Create profitability studies
- develop financing solutions, valuations and property purchase and work contracts as part of the project team
- plan the construction project, analyze the planning basis and ensure compliance with legal regulations and standards
- ensure a smooth transition to operations and hand over the relevant documents
Info, tips & tests for "Real estate developer (BP)"
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