Studying at a university of applied sciences for technology enables you to take on your first management position as a computer scientist HF (formerly technician HF computer science), e.g. head of an IT department. This also increases the salary level. Many newly graduated computer scientists receive a salary increase of up to 30% of their previous salary. Some are able to move to a higher position before completing their studies or start a new job later.
Where do you and your salary prospects stand as a computer scientist HF (formerly technician HF computer science)? Calculate your personal situation with the help of the federal salary calculator below, as various criteria are decisive for the exact calculation. The sector, the region, the employer, what training you have completed and how many years of professional experience you have all have an influence on the salary calculation.
We would be happy to provide you with an example of the salary for a computer scientist HF. A 29-year-old in further education earns around CHF 7,737 per month in the information technology services sector in central Switzerland. After completing the HF degree in IT, he takes on specialist and management tasks and is promoted to a higher salary group. This increases his salary to CHF 9,362.
In individual cases, the development of the salary depends on other criteria such as sector, region, company or previous education, professional experience and age of the applicant. Calculate your individual chances with the help of a salary calculator:
This is how you proceed: Click on "Salarium - statistical salary calculator" below and then on the "Calculate salary" button
Source:Federal Statistical Office (FSO)
Note: This sample calculation refers to the data of Salarium 2023, this service is temporarily interrupted. Information can be foundhere. A list of other payroll calculator tools is availablehere.
The example salary in our calculation is CHF 7,737.00.
To calculate the salary with the completed further training, go back to "Position in company" and "Training" and select "Lower management" and "Higher vocational training / higher technical college". The new average salary as a computer scientist HF is now CHF 9,362.00.
Please note: The calculation is intended as an example for computer science HF and is always a rounded figure. As mentioned above, the salary depends on various factors and can vary considerably.
23-year-old Robert works as an electronics technician EFZ in a large energy technology company in St. Gallen. He plans, develops and produces electronic hardware and software for devices and systems in the energy technology sector. Robert enjoys working in a team and the other team members appreciate his technical understanding, precise way of working and ability to concentrate. After accepting an order, the team clarifies the task, works out ideas, develops solutions and finally checks the function of the self-developed circuits. Robert would like to deepen his knowledge of systems engineering, application development and technical IT. He is completing further training as an IT technician so that he can then take on a project management role. He is acquiring comprehensive specialist knowledge in computer technology, business administration, mathematics, electrical engineering, software engineering, transmission technology, digital technology and project management for his federally recognized diploma as a computer scientist HF (formerly Techniker HF Informatik). Following his IT training, he is able to manage IT projects using standardized methods and processes and to plan, control and monitor resources. Thanks to the higher technical college, Robert can manage and monitor projects for complex systems as a computer scientist HF. Thanks to the specialist and management skills he has acquired, he is able to receive and analyze customer requirements and look for optimal implementations. In his new role as a computer scientist HF (formerly technician HF IT), Robert manages employees and works with specialists from other departments. As an IT technician, he has numerous opportunities for further development, for example as a system or network supervisor, product manager and support engineer. This gives Robert better earning potential, corresponding career opportunities and access to Bachelor's degree courses at universities of applied sciences.
Financial benefits of further training as an IT technician / computer scientist HF (formerly HF IT technician)
As an IT technician, Robert will receive CHF 2,105 more per month than before and will therefore have at least CHF 943,000 more at his disposal by the time he retires than if he had not completed this further training at the Higher Technical College to become an IT technician HF.
As this theoretical calculation does not take into account any further salary increases, promotions or interest on savings, the salary can still increase significantly.
Calculation in detail
Further training as HF IT technician (new: HF IT specialist):
Wage difference and yield calculation:
(All figures as at October 2022)
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Overview of schools "Computer Scientist HF / Computer Scientist HF"