Italian grammar school: overview of schools and courses
The Italian grammar school
Questions and answers
Do I have to pass an entrance exam for a private Italian grammar school?
An entrance examination for a private Italian grammar school is not necessary, but students must either have attended a lower secondary school or have a level A secondary school leaving certificate or comparable qualification. An admissions interview is a prerequisite for provisional admission for one year (probationary year).
How much does a private Italian high school cost?
The cost of attending a private Italian high school can vary greatly from private school to private school. Private grammar schools can cost between CHF 1,000 and CHF 25,000 per year - in some cases the amount even depends on income. Please enquire about the rates at the respective school in each individual case.
Is it possible to specialize even further at an Italian grammar school?
In addition to the main subject, students at the Italian Gymnasium can also choose a subject at an advanced level - French, mathematics or English, and select a supplementary subject, such as economics and law, education and psychology, geography, chemistry, biology, history or music. Students also have the opportunity to choose the topic for their Matura thesis individually.
Which specializations can be chosen at an Italian grammar school?
Latin, economics and law, Spanish, biology and chemistry as well as Italian can be chosen as specialization subjects at the Gymnasium. As each independent school determines its own specializations, these can vary.
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