What are the main disadvantages of lymphatic drainage training?
After comprehensive lymphatic drainage training, you will be familiar with the sound practical and theoretical principles of oedema therapy. You will have knowledge and skills in the treatment system, grip techniques, compression therapy and the preparation of the treatment plan.
The main disadvantages of lymphatic drainage training are:
- The completion of the lymphatic drainage training is not federally recognized, it is a school's own diploma/certificate or a course confirmation. Proof of quality is recognition by the Swiss Professional Association for Manual Lymphatic Drainage (SFML), EMR (Empirical Medicine Register) and ASCA (Swiss Foundation for Complementary Medicine).
- At certificate level, the course content and admission requirements are generally not regulated and can be determined autonomously by the schools. When choosing a course, make sure that it corresponds to your professional goals. Association certificates, on the other hand, are regulated.
- In lymphology, in addition to empathy when advising customers, you need sound medical knowledge and knowledge of compression therapy. It is also important to be good at dealing with people who are restricted by age, illness, injury or disability. You should also not be afraid to treat wounds and apply bandages. Not all of these skills can be acquired during lymphatic drainage training.
- The costs of CHF 4,900 to CHF 9,000 for more extensive lymphatic drainage training are not subsidized by the federal government, as no federal examination is taken. In addition, there is the double burden of part-time training.
- Lymphatic drainage training can pave the way for self-employment. However, success can only be achieved after gaining the necessary experience and a good response. In addition to advising and supporting clients, administrative tasks, appointment scheduling, costing and marketing are also part of the activities of self-employment.
Lymphatic drainage therapists work in fitness centers, wellness hotels, vacation resorts or in their own practice.
Provider of lymphatic drainage training