Master of Speech Therapy (FH): Overview of schools and information

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Would you like to complete a Master's degree in speech therapy (FH)?

Here you will find an overview of schools, further information and resources.

Tipps und Entscheidungshilfen für die Ausbildungswahl

With the Master's degree in Speech Therapy (FH) you will become a proven specialist for complex problems of people with speech, language, voice, swallowing, speech and communication disorders.
The Master's degree program in speech therapy builds on the Bachelor's degree and is geared towards the needs and requirements of practice and science. The course takes into account the dynamic developments in the field and offers a wide range of options for individual study design.

The Master's degree program in Speech Therapy (FH) covers the following topics:

  • the area of health with regard to speech, language and communication disorders as well as voice and swallowing disorders in the area of rehabilitation
  • the specialist area of education with topics relating to speech, language, written language and communication disorders in the context of developmental disorders
  • the area of leadership and interprofessional collaboration in leadership, management and organizational development in educational and healthcare institutions (in which speech and language therapists work in disciplinary and interdisciplinary teams)


As a leader in educational-therapeutic, special educational, scientific, official and educational-political fields of work, speech therapists with a Master's degree in speech therapy develop and evaluate new methods and concepts for all areas of speech therapy work.
With a Master's degree in speech therapy from a university of applied sciences, you can make a decisive contribution to the further development of speech therapy expertise, its transfer into practice and the professionalization of those in the profession. Those who complete a Master's degree in speech therapy after their Bachelor's degree can work as lecturers at universities, lead disciplinary research projects and participate in interdisciplinary research projects. The challenges in these activities lie in anticipating future issues in speech and communication support and providing solutions.

Questions and answers

The Master in Speech and Language Therapy imparts the following knowledge regarding leadership and interprofessional collaboration:

  • Specific and in-depth questions on the understanding of leadership
  • Tasks and procedures in the area of management and organizational development
  • Designing collaboration, coaching and advising teams


It deals with different issues in the context of roles, functions and fields of action of speech and language therapists in leadership positions in interdisciplinary teams.

The Master's degree program in speech therapy is part-time and modular. The individual design of the course offers sufficient flexibility. The maximum duration of study is six years. The maximum duration of study is six years. Further information can be obtained from the University of Applied Sciences. The degree is Master of Arts Universities of Applied Sciences in Speech and Language Therapy.

The focus of the speech therapy master's degree program includes the following:

  • interdisciplinary and disciplinary subject area of speech therapy
  • Organization and cooperation in education and healthcare
  • Therapeutic action
  • Scientific work and research


Students can choose their own individual study profile by selecting a specialization.

In a Master's degree program in speech therapy, you will acquire the following educational content:

  • specific and in-depth questions on disorders, diagnostics, prevention and therapy, as well as on the roles, functions and fields of action of speech therapists in education and social services
  • Issues relating to functions, activities and enabling inclusion and communicative participation in all areas of children's and young people's lives

In the field of health, the Master's in Speech Therapy deals with specific and in-depth issues relating to disorders, diagnostics and therapy as well as prevention, roles, functions and fields of action of speech therapists in the healthcare system. This involves questions relating to

  • Structures
  • Functions
  • enabling communicative participation and social inclusion for all people across the entire lifespan

The Master's degree in speech therapy is geared towards professional practice. Students at the universities of applied sciences deal with the course content in a competence-oriented manner. This is because competence assessments during the course of the Master's degree program make it possible to focus learning on the individual deepening and further development of speech therapy skills.

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

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Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung

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Schaffhauserstrasse 239, PF 5850
8050 Zürich
Intercantonal University for Special Needs Education (HfH)
The Intercantonal College of Special Needs Education (HfH) in Zurich makes an important contribution to improving the coexistence of disabled and non-disabled people in our society through its wide range of training and further education courses for special needs education professionals as well as through research and development. The HfH is a training institute that is recognized by the federal government and the cantons as a university of teacher education. You too can benefit from our high quality standards.
Region: Zürich
Sites: Zürich

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