Rhetoric: course, seminar, further education, training, information and schools at a glance

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Are you looking for a rhetoric course? - Here you will find suitable schools as well as further information, tips and resources for further training.

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Rhetoric course: appear credible and confident

They envy their professional colleagues because they simply captivate the audience with their style of rhetoric. Everyone listens attentively. But how do they do it? What is the secret to appearing so confident? What makes such oratory so special?

You can learn it - anyone can learn it. The assumption that presentations, speeches or statements come easily to you is wrong. Even the best presenters and television personalities once started from scratch. On the one hand, rhetoric is theory and science; methods and presentation styles can be learned. On the other hand, oratory is also a form of art that is used to convey a message in a meaningful, exciting, convincing and comprehensive way so that it is accepted by the audience and, at best, adopted and implemented. Art requires passion and practice - would you also like to learn how to give a stylish and gripping presentation in a rhetoric seminar? Learn from professionals and experienced speakers how to express yourself in a stylish, gripping and convincing way and how to appear calm and confident in front of a large audience.

At Ausbildung-Weiterbildung.ch you will find schools from all over Switzerland that offer courses, seminars or training in rhetoric, communication training and body language. You can find out about the wide range of courses on offer free of charge and without obligation via the education portal and receive detailed documentation about the various schools. This will help you decide which provider meets your needs.

Questions and answers

Ein Rhetorik-Kurs gibt es auch online. Denn man kann sich auch online mit der Theorie beschäftigen und Rhetorik üben. Verschiedene Tools und Angebote machen es heute leicht, zeit- und ortsunabhängig zu lernen.

Nach einer Rhetorik-Ausbildung kennen die Teilnehmenden die wichtigsten rhetorischen Mittel und deren Wirkung. Sie kennen um die Stärken und Schwächen ihres Auftritts vor Publikum und trainieren ihr eigenes Redeverhalten. Gezieltes Training formt gute Rhetoriker/innen.

Mögliche Themen für das Training Rhetorik im Bereich Management sind beispielsweise:

  • Workshop Geschäftsentwicklung
  • Change Management: Veränderungen erfolgreich gestalten
  • Führung: Das Seminar
  • Konflikt-Management
  • Erfolg durch Persönlichkeit
  • Professionelle Rhetorik & Präsentation
  • Risikomanagement
  • Teambildung
  • Zeit- & Selbstmanagement
  • AI für IT- und Business-Führungskräfte
  • ChatGPT-Stiftung
  • Non-Nonsense KI für KMUs
  • KI für Projektmanager
  • KI im Service-Management
  • AI für Teamleiter

Mögliche Themen für ein  Rhetorik-Training sind beispielsweise:

  • Kommunikation und Gesprächsführung
  • Gesprächsführung für Frauen
  • Argumentieren - Motivieren - Begeistern
  • Ihr (täglicher) Auftritt - gute Rhetorik
  • Ihr (täglicher) Auftritt - Körpersprache richtig einsetzen
  • Lampenfieber ade
  • Jetzt rede ich!
  • Reden und gehört werden
  • Konstruktiver Umgang mit Fehlern in der Kommunikation

Knowledge of the characteristics of a good speaker forms the core element of a rhetoric course, on the basis of which participants can hone their own presentation style. Participants in such a course gain confidence in making well-founded arguments and reacting to objections, criticism and questions. They learn how to deal better with stage fright and develop an overall concept for their own personal communication tailored to the relevant recipient or recipient group. Learn rhetoric now with a rhetoric course.

Depending on the school and course, rhetoric training is aimed at different target groups, for example specialists and managers who often give convincing presentations, lead discussions or present concepts and want to make a confident appearance. However, you can find out which target group the individual seminars are aimed at directly from the individual schools via our contact form.

Developing an authentic appearance, consciously controlling and using verbal and non-verbal signals and learning to argue convincingly are the aims of such a course in addition to the actual impact factors of rhetoric. Participants are also taught how to react correctly to interruptions from the audience and how to deal with stage fright and speaker anxiety. You can practise public speaking with a public speaking course.

The duration of public speaking seminars can vary depending on the provider, but is usually between half a day and one day. Find out directly from the providers how long the rhetoric seminar of your choice lasts.

In einem CAS Rhetorik und Moderation lernen Sie Folgendes:

  • Wirkungsvoll kommunizieren
  • Stimmliche und physische Präsenz
  • Für Zuhörer schreiben
  • Professionell präsentieren Reden halten
  • Digitale Meetings moderieren
  • Panels leiten
  • Überzeugen vor Mikrofon und Kamera

Man kann seine Rhetorik verbessern, indem man sagt, was man meint. Man spricht, um zu wirken. Man fragt, um zu verstehen. Und man schreibt, um dem Gedanken einen Körper zu geben.

Um bei einer Rede selbstbewusst und sicher aufzutreten, kann man in einem Rhetorik-Training lernen, auf folgende Dinge zu achten:

  • Aufrechte Haltung: Stehen Sie aufrecht mit beiden Beinen auf dem Boden. Die Beine nicht übereinander schlagen.
  • Stimmsicherheit: Sprechen Sie langsam und deutlich, verwenden Sie keine oder nur wenige Füllwörter ("ähm").
  • Ausdruck: Sprechen Sie lieber kurz und präzise als lang und kompliziert.

Unter schwarzer Rhetorik versteht man Manipulationstechniken, die unbemerkt grosse Wirkung erzielen. Es ist wichtig zu wissen, wie man schwarze Rhetorik erkennt, welche Formen es gibt und wie man sich gegen diese Form der Manipulation wehren kann. Solche Manipulationen kommen in der Führung, in der Partnerschaft, im Verkauf usw. vor.

Zu den Rhetorik-Grundlagen gehören die drei wichtigen Bausteine Ausdruck, Argumentation und Körpersprache. Erst im Zusammenspiel dieser drei Elemente entfalten Sie als Vortragender oder Redner Ihre volle rhetorische Kompetenz. Dabei kommt es weniger darauf an, eine feierliche Rede fehlerfrei zu halten.

In einem Rhetorikkurs kann man folgendes lernen:

  • Die Teilnehmenden können in kurzer Zeit eine Botschaft glaubwürdig und kompetent vermitteln.
  • Sie erreichen eine höhere Akzeptanz bei den Zuhörern.
  • Sie kennen und beherrschen den wirkungsorientierten Aufbau einer Rede.
  • Sie verbessern ihr Auftreten und Sprechen.
  • Sie können Ängste und Lampenfieber abbauen.

Mögliche Themen im Rhetorik-Coaching sind:

  • Stimme und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung
  • Heilen und Stimme
  • Stimmbildung für Frauen
  • Stimme und Selbstvertrauen
  • Stimme und Atem
  • Stimmimprovisation / Toning / Kreise

Den richtigen Seminaranbieter finden

Hilfe bei der Wahl des passenden Seminar- oder Trainingsanbieters.

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website www.berufsberatung.ch (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

Preview of the video «4 Schritte zur richtigen Weiterbildung»

Haven't found the right training or further education yet? Benefit from educational advice now!

Further training is not only important in order to maintain or increase professional attractiveness, investing in training or further training is still the most efficient way to increase the chances of a pay rise.

The Swiss education system offers a wide range of individual training and further education opportunities - depending on your personal level of education, professional experience and educational goals.

Choosing the right educational offer is not easy for many prospective students.

Which training and further education is the right one for my path?

Our education advisory team will guide you through the "education jungle", providing specific input and relevant background information to help you choose the right offer.

Your advantages:

You will receive

  • Suggestions for suitable courses, seminars or training programs based on the information you provide in the questionnaire
  • An overview of the different levels and types of education
  • Information about the Swiss education system

We offer our educational counseling in the following languages on request: French, Italian, English

Register now and concretize your training plans.

Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung

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Hermetschloostrasse 77
8048 Zürich
WEKA Business Media AG
(5.4) Very good 15 15 Ratings (100% )
Praxisseminare.ch is the comprehensive seminar and congress program of WEKA Business Media AG. Our training courses are aimed at managing directors, executives, HR managers, accounting managers, bookkeepers, controllers, trustees, lawyers, architects, real estate managers, office managers and specialists from technical professions.
The current program currently comprises over 270 different specialist or management topics, all of which have a strong practical focus. We also offer many of these topics in French. Our locations are Zurich and Lausanne.

The main aim of our activities is to offer one-day formats with the greatest possible benefit for daily work practice: the focus is on acquiring methodological and practical skills. You benefit from the expertise, know-how and many years of practical experience of our speakers, with the guarantee that the focus is always on practical relevance and real customer needs.

Your Praxisseminare.ch team
» Company conditions and cooperation opportunities
Discount for Swisscom employees: 10% (when registering via this platform at «Course registration» )
Region: Zürich
Sites: Zürich
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
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Hermetschloostrasse 77
8048 Zürich
ZfU - Center for Entrepreneurial Management AG
A head start through knowledge at ZfU!

"The tried and tested paired with the new" is the recipe for success that works in all situations. The past few years have shown that the world of work is confronted with challenges that companies and people can only master if procedures, solutions, methods and skills are adapted. Existing knowledge and skills must therefore be supplemented with new knowledge, different skills and abilities than before. It also requires the courage to rethink or even abandon the familiar.

This is exactly how we have put together the training program for you: You will find tried and tested topics as well as adaptations and new content that reflect the demands of the professional and business world. Continuing education, further training that is practical and up-to-date, passed on by the best in their field, is of central importance in order to survive the major changes.
Strengths: Over 600 first-class speakers are our trademark. They all have methodological and didactic expertise and many years of practical experience in their respective fields.
Discount for Swisscom employees: 10% (when registering via this platform at «Course registration» )
Region: Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Zürich, Thalwil, Rüschlikon, Feusisberg, Unterägeri
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Blaufahnenstrasse 10, c/o Blau 10
8001 Zürich

At sprechen-lehrbar you can strengthen your oral expression in professional courses and individual training sessions. With clear pronunciation, precise presentation and a strong voice, you will be (acoustically) understood and your words will reach their target.

With my offers, I want to put the spoken word at the center, create comprehensibility and understanding. To achieve this, I use my specialist knowledge as a speech scientist and phonetician, my experience as an audio book narrator and speech coach and my love of sung and spoken language. I see myself as a mediator between written and spoken language.

- "Clearly German"
- "Read aloud in a gripping way"
- "Speaking without blabla"
Region: Zürich
Sites: Zürich

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