Self-employment seminars: providers, schools, information
Self-employment seminars: learn how to implement your ideas optimally
Questions and answers
How long do self-employment seminars last?
Events for prospective start-ups can last a few hours or extend over several days as self-employment seminars. The self-employment seminars on offer are varied, so it is worth finding out exactly what is on offer. The seminar providers, which you can contact via the contact form, will be happy to provide you with detailed information about their seminars and training courses.
What topics are covered in seminars on self-employment?
From the business idea to the business model, financing and financial requirements to the creation of a business plan, self-employment seminars cover all the key steps needed to prepare for setting up a company. In some seminars, this includes company organization as well as market overview, marketing, insurance issues, legal forms and entry in the commercial register, questions about VAT and taxes, accounting, risk management, the choice of location and the required infrastructure. The company name as well as the brand and intellectual property can also be topics of a company start-up seminar.
Do self-employment seminars also help you to develop a business concept?
There are some very useful seminars on self-employment that not only deal with the initial considerations, but also with the concrete development of a business concept for setting up a company and illustrate the start-up process. During such seminars, you will gain all the important knowledge about the step-by-step procedure for setting up a business and will then be in a position to put your project into practice in a well-considered and planned manner.
Are seminars on self-employment also worthwhile for people who already have concrete ideas about their business idea?
Having a business idea with which you want to become self-employed is the first of many steps on the way to your own company. It is therefore very sensible and important to obtain detailed information about the following steps and to work specifically on their implementation. This is why self-employment seminars are not only aimed at the initial preparation for self-employment, but also at the concrete development of the business idea and the business model.
Is it necessary to already have a well-developed business idea in order to take part in seminars on self-employment?
For some seminars on the topic of self-employment, it is absolutely necessary to already have a concrete business idea and to want to work on it. However, many other seminars also offer suitable events for people who first want to find out about the possible paths to self-employment in Switzerland and do not yet have a tangible idea of the area or business model in which they want to become self-employed.
Do you also offer seminars on self-employment that provide support in drawing up a business plan?
If you already have a business idea and want to examine and assess it thoroughly, you can attend a seminar on self-employment in general as well as a seminar on developing your own business plan. Many of the providers listed here also offer profitable courses in this area.
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