Service fitter: Overview of schools and information

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Are you looking for training as a service technician? Here you will find a selection of schools as well as training courses, courses and seminars for service technician training.

Service technician: training for a change

As a service technician, you can be deployed for various tasks. For example, you are responsible for service in the sanitary sector or in the heating and electrical sector.


With the appropriate training or further training, you can also work in several areas and thus have a varied job as a service fitter. If you are interested in a course or training, you should visit www.ausbildung-weiterbildung for more information and can then decide which school is suitable for your further training.


On the Internet portal you will find portraits of schools, universities and universities of applied sciences from all over Switzerland that also offer courses or seminars in the field of service technician.


Questions and answers

In addition to the internal school certificate, the continuing education, further training courses for service fitters in ventilation/air conditioning, heating and sanitation also include the necessary specialist permits and training courses that you need to work in this profession. For example, the hygiene training B SWKI VA 104-01/VDI 6022 and the specialist permit for refrigerants in the area of ventilation/air conditioning are integrated into the training, as is the permit to connect low-voltage electrical products in accordance with Article NIV 15 in the continuing education, further training in the area of heating and sanitary.

The content of a certificate training course to become a service technician varies depending on the specialization. For example, in training specializing in ventilation and air conditioning, you will work on content such as: Connection technology, water, air conditioning technology, electrical engineering, heating technology, planning and reports, MSRL, refrigeration technology, customer communication, safety, hygiene and chemicals as well as refrigerant specialist approval. As a heating service technician, you will learn about water treatment, heating technology, hydraulic balancing, basic hydraulic circuits, regulation, measurement and control technology, communication and customer service, renewable energies and energy, as well as reports and planning, and for the specialist area of plumbing, you will learn everything you need to know about gas installation, Renewable energies and energy, regulation, measurement and control technology, electrical engineering, sanitary engineering, water treatment, drainage and dewatering, circulation systems, domestic hot water treatment, hydraulic balancing, customer care, communication, reports and planning as well as material regulations. You can find out about the exact and detailed content of the individual training courses for service technicians / service engineers from the relevant school for your continuing education, further training.

No, you do not need to attend a complete course to become a service fitter or service technician if you already have such training and only lack the license to connect low-voltage electrical products in accordance with Art. NIV 15. In such a case, you can either attend a course lasting several days, which will provide you with the skills you need to connect or replace permanently connected electronic products, or, if you have already passed this examination, you can attend a one-day refresher course. Such a refresher course or other continuing education, further training in this area must be demonstrated every two years in order to obtain a continuing license from the Federal Inspectorate for Heavy Current Installations.

By training to become a service technician, you will acquire the necessary permits and certificates required to work professionally in the field of ventilation/air conditioning, heating or sanitary service technology. These certificates, such as the hygiene training B according to SWKI VA104-01/VDI 6022, the specialist permit for refrigerants or the permit to connect low-voltage electrical products according to Article NIV, are recognized throughout Switzerland.

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

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Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung

Wiggermatte 16
6260 Reiden
(5.3) Very good 498 498 Ratings (96% )
We train for practice, not just for theory!
With our unique practical laboratory, we not only teach theory in the classroom, but also put it into practice. We provide support at eye level and deliver practical experience for everyday working life as well as a trusting learning environment in which individual strengths are encouraged and joint successes are celebrated.

Our courses: Head of Facility Management and Maintenance (best success rate of all training institutes and best individual performance in the 2024 federal examination), maintenance specialists and janitors with Federal Diploma of Higher Education, service technology ventilation and air conditioning, Art. 15/14 NIV and various recognized refresher seminars for license holders.

About us:
- Our lecturers are practitioners with experience in the industry who contribute their knowledge directly from their day-to-day work.
- With over 18 years of experience, we know what is important - and yet we always keep our finger on the pulse.
- Our high-quality training enables us to achieve consistently high success rates.
» Company conditions and cooperation opportunities
Strengths: Best success rate of all educational institutes on the Facility Management 2024 exam, lecturers with experience from everyday work, high success rate on federal exams, practical laboratory, free parking spaces
Region: Aargau, Zentralschweiz
Sites: Reiden
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:

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