Shared leadership: training, further education, providers on shared leadership

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Tipps und Entscheidungshilfen für die Ausbildungswahl

The demands placed on managers are constantly increasing and changing. In this context, the term "shared leadership" is becoming increasingly important. This term can be understood in different ways. Basically, the term describes the division of management action or management responsibility. There are different models for this. For example, two managers can share the position on a part-time basis. However, management responsibility can also be transferred to team members. In general, contrary to the classic management principle, the management role or management task is distributed among different players so that it no longer rests on just a few shoulders.
The term is based on the fundamental assumption that it is not possible for a single person to combine all knowledge and all necessary resources in order to meet the dynamic challenges at all times. Shared leadership, or the concept behind it, is often equated with the terms "complementary leadership", "collaborative leadership" or "distributive leadership".

Shared leadership pursues the goal of successful joint collaboration. How exactly this success is categorized or measured can vary. For example, it can include employee motivation, their commitment or willingness to perform. An important positive effect of shared leadership is its influence on employees' attitudes towards the team. They can identify better with the team and their tasks and are more satisfied, cooperative and productive. As a result, employees are more loyal to their employer in the long term, which can potentially prevent higher staff turnover.

Are you interested in shared leadership and want to learn how to make the best use of all human resources in a company? Then you are in the right place with training and further education in the field of shared leadership.

Questions and answers

In principle, anyone can complete a shared leadership training course, provided they meet the admission requirements. These can vary from provider to provider and also depend to a large extent on the target group of the relevant training course. For example, whether a shared leadership course is aimed at beginners without any leadership experience or whether it is aimed at experienced professionals who want to expand their leadership skills. It is best to contact the school of your choice directly.

According to various research findings, shared leadership brings numerous benefits for both the members of a company and the company itself. For example, the leadership style of shared leadership is linked to the effectiveness of the team.

Shared leadership not only promotes and improves the job satisfaction and commitment of employees, but the management style also offers companies the opportunity to react and adapt more quickly to changes. The promotion of creativity and the development of new ideas is also of central importance in this context. Finally, shared leadership also has a positive effect on team performance. The use of different skills, knowledge and competencies has a greater impact than the classic top-down management principle.

In the classic leadership principle, managers are often lone warriors who set the tone and direction in the team. They are at the top of the vertical hierarchy and are responsible for important decisions. They also give orders and distribute tasks to their employees.

Shared leadership is characterized by other components: For example, leadership responsibility, i.e. power and influence, is shared and does not just rest on a few shoulders. In addition, shared leadership is characterized by flat hierarchies and collaborative efforts.

In order for shared leadership to be successfully implemented and applied, certain structures and skills are required, including appropriate documentation, for example.

If shared leadership is implemented with two employees in a leadership position, it is important that these people lead in a similar way, otherwise the team could become unsettled. The situation is similar if leadership is shared between several employees. In this case, the same principles and values should be embodied.

Good and transparent communication and handover are also essential so that everyone is equally informed.

Shared leadership is not just a new management style, but increasingly also an attractive working model. This allows employees, such as nursing staff, to perform their duties for patients on the one hand and take on additional responsibility on the other. Another reason why shared leadership could be of interest to the healthcare sector is the possibility for part-time employees to take on responsibility or management tasks and at the same time reconcile work and family life.

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

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Gloriastrasse 18a
8006 Zürich
Careum University of Applied Sciences Health
Careum University of Applied Sciences Health is the health faculty of Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences. The extra-occupational training and continuing education courses are optimally geared towards practical healthcare. The focus is on developments in practice, findings from research and the experience of lecturers and students. A course of study enables students to make intelligent decisions in the daily field of tension between quality of life in illness and disability and the framework conditions of health policy and the health economy.

Our programs are:
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN), also with specialization in geriatrics
Master of Science in Nursing (MScN) with a focus on 'Applied Research' and 'Clinical Excellence',
MAS/DAS/CAS programs:
Care Management, Case Management, Geriatric Care, Management of Healthcare Institutions, Shared Leadership, Oncological Care, Palliative Care, Wound Care, Rehabilitation Care, Neuro/Stroke, Nephrological Care, Nursing and Healthcare Law, Complex Care, Cardiovascular Perfusion
Strengths: Modular, flexible study models for demanding professionals who want to combine career and continuing education, further training. Maximum practical relevance thanks to working lecturers. Personal advice and support
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Liechtenstein, Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Zürich
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