Experience report by Darko Dimitrijevic about his language study trip to Bournemouth / England

Darko Dimitrijevic aus Uznach SG
Darko Dimitrijevic from Uznach SG has
a language study trip to Bournemouth /
England graduated

Why did you decide to go on a language study trip?

I decided to do the language course because I really needed the First Certificate. To get my BMS certificate, I still had to pass the First. Unfortunately, I didn't manage it the first time. That's why I thought it would be a good idea to do a language course to improve my language skills, which I did in the end.

In which country and in which city did your language study trip take place?

My language study trip took place in the United Kingdom in Bournemouth. I still have a problem pronouncing this name correctly.

When did you complete your language study trip to England? How long did it last?

The language study trip lasted from the beginning of October 2014 to the end of December 2014. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to spend the New Year in England as my flight was already scheduled before the New Year.

How satisfied were you with your language study trip? What did you particularly like?

I was very satisfied with my language study trip to England. I was particularly interested in the different cultures. There were so many students from foreign countries at our school. It was very exciting to see how open the people from South America were. All in all, I was very satisfied. Of course, there were highs and lows and also days when I really wanted to go home.

What did the language study trip do for you personally and for your career?

The language study trip not only gave me more self-confidence, but also a lot of knowledge about other cultures and people, which I am also very interested in. As a result, I can now assess people better than before my language study trip. As I have a lot of customer contact in my work and some people only speak English, I can use the knowledge I have learned in these situations.

What tips would you give to anyone interested in a language study trip to England?

I would certainly advise them to find out in advance where you live, which bus you take to school and for smokers to bring cigarettes from Switzerland, because they are very expensive there. It's best to buy them in the duty free store.

Which language study abroad providers have you registered with?

About the Westbourne Academy in Switzerland.

How satisfied were you with this provider?

I liked the provider very much. The price was not that high and the providers organized the trip very well. I would recommend it to anyone.

Pictures from my language study trip to Bournemouth / England (click on the pictures to enlarge):

Suitable provider:

Talweg 52
8707 Uetikon am See
Agency Switzerland Westbourne Academy GmbH
The Westbourne Academy is located in the south of England and is recognized by the British Council. Thanks to a high level of word-of-mouth advertising, very low prices can be offered. At the same time, above-average examination results have been achieved for years.

For French, Spanish, Italian and school courses, the Swiss agency works with first-class partner schools.
Discount for Swisscom employees: 10% (when registering via this platform at «Course registration» )
Region: Zürich
Sites: Uetikon am See

Overview of schools for "Language travel England"