Acupressure (Cert.) (Schaffhausen):
1 Provider
Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung
Education location / Schools Schaffhausen
Questions and answers
What are the requirements for acupressure training?
The following requirements are placed on acupressure training:
- Completed three-year basic vocational training or technical secondary school certificate or vocational, technical or high school diploma or equivalent qualification
- Empathy
- Enjoy working with different people, including touching, active communication and support
- Willingness to develop personally and professionally
Is training in acupressure recognized by health insurance companies?
Not every health insurance company recognizes every complementary medicine method, including acupressure. Nevertheless, it can be said that a large number of health insurance companies recognize practitioners who have professional training and meet the guidelines of the EMR (ErfahrungsMedizinisches Register) or the ASCA (Schweizerische Stiftung für Komplementärmedizin). This requires a minimum number of hours (EMR for EM 200 hours, SM 150 hours; ASCA level 1 150 hours, level 2 250 hours) as well as partially prescribed content. Further information can be found on the respective homepage, at the individual schools or health insurance companies.
What is an acupressure mat? What are acupressure points?
The acupressure mat (needle mat) stimulates the pressure points of the body (acupressure points). This has a beneficial effect on the entire body and can help to alleviate various complaints such as headaches (acupressure headaches), back pain or sleep disorders. The pressure of the needles on the skin stimulates the body to produce endorphins (hormones that have a pain-relieving effect). An alternative aid is the acupressure pen, which is specially designed for massages and acupressure.
Are needles also used in acupressure?
Unlike acupuncture, acupressure does not use needles or other aids that penetrate the skin. With this treatment method, blockages and stagnation within the meridians are released through gentle touch at the precisely diagnosed point. Therapists in this specialist field have very fine senses, which they acquire and train during their extensive training, so that they can perceive and remove these blockages based on various diagnostic procedures, such as facial diagnostics, posture and pulse diagnostics. In addition to supportive touch, conversation is also used as a means of treatment in every therapy and patients are given the opportunity to communicate their fears and anxieties, perceive them and confront them under guidance. Acupressure is therefore more than just touching the body, but rather a holistic treatment method that unites body and mind.
What does an acupressure certificate course teach?
Depending on which school you choose and which type of acupressure training you opt for, you will be taught content to varying degrees. For example, you have the opportunity to learn about the art of TCM in a beginner's course, learn the basic theories and philosophies and get to know different ways of diagnosis, such as the pulse, face or tongue. After such training, you will know about the 55 acupoints, the 14 meridians, the 5 phases of change and the energetic interactions and will be able to practise various acupressure and Tunia methods independently. In an advanced course and various special courses, you will gain in-depth insights into the field of acupressure and also have the opportunity to complete a diploma course. For further information, please contact the relevant training providers.
Acupressure training: What does a complementary therapist do in acupressure therapy?
A complementary therapist in acupressure therapy practices the following activities after acupressure training:
- Apply manual pressure to the acupoints with your hands and fingers
- Optimize Qi flow in the energy channels
- Strengthening self-healing powers and resilience
- have a health-promoting, relaxing and invigorating effect on the physical and mental level
- Carry out an accompanying process-centered conversation as part of the acupressure therapy
How does acupressure massage training work?
An acupressure massage course is at least a 3-year part-time course (500 lessons). The qualification is either the school's own diploma or certificate or a qualification from an association, an organization or an industry label. In order to obtain the industry certificate in complementary therapy, an internship and a so-called "Tronc Commun" (natural science, social science, profession-specific basics) must be completed in addition to the training in the method. After subsequent professional practice with accompanying supervision, the Higher Professional Examination (HFP) in Complementary Therapy with a federal diploma can be taken.
When is acupressure used?
Acupressure is an alternative medical treatment in which the Qi, the life energy of all living beings, is brought back into flow by releasing blockages and congestion within the tissues and meridians. This application from Chinese medicine can help with many different complaints, including
- Sleep problems
- Immune system disorders
- Pregnancy complaints
- Restrictions of the musculoskeletal system
- Depression
- Menstrual cramps
- Pain
- Hormone disorders
- Disorders of the lymphatic system
- Complaints within the organs and the central and autonomic nervous system
- Digestive problems
- Tinitus
- Migraine
- Joint diseases
- Asthma
- Skin diseases
- Spinal diseases
- Sinustis
- Allergies
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