Specialist in hotel housekeeping EFZ / Specialist in hotel housekeeping EFZ (formerly specialist in housekeeping): Apprenticeship, training, overview of schools, self-test
Specialist in housekeeping EFZ / Specialist in housekeeping EFZ (new: Specialist in hotel housekeeping): A versatile catch-up course for adults
Questions and answers
What qualification will I receive after training as a hotel housekeeping specialist Federal VET Diploma?
Upon passing the final examination (qualification procedure, formerly known as the final apprenticeship examination LAP), participants receive the Federal Diploma of Vocational Education and Training as a "Specialist in Hotel Housekeeping Federal VET Diploma".
Where can I do an apprenticeship as a housekeeping specialist (new: hotel housekeeping specialist Federal VET Diploma)?
Adult education in accordance with Art. 32 VPETA is not an apprenticeship in the traditional sense, as is the case for young people.
In the case of catch-up training, professionals are free to choose how they wish to prepare for the QV. The following options are available:
- Attending vocational school with the regular apprentices (young people)
- Attending special courses for adults: For professions in which many adults are catching up on their vocational qualifications, there are training courses specially designed for adults. They usually take place every week in the evening and/or on Saturdays.
- Self-study: preparation for the QV without attending school, using the teaching materials used at the vocational schools
Are there certain continuing education, further training courses that are possible after an apprenticeship to become a Federal VET Diploma home economics specialist (new since 2023: Federal VET Diploma home economics specialist)?
Further training opportunities are available for female hotel housekeeping specialists Federal Vocational Baccalaureate or male hotel housekeeping specialists Federal Vocational Baccalaureate (formerly housekeeping specialists Federal Vocational Diploma) depending on interest and qualification (with or without Federal Vocational Baccalaureate).
For example, after obtaining a Federal Diploma of Vocational Education and Training (FPE), a further training course leading to a Federal Professional Examination (FPE) is an opportunity for targeted further training. The following continuing education, further training courses leading to a federal certificate are open to hotel housekeeping specialists:
- Head of Hotel Housekeeping (FPE)
- Head of Cleaning Technology (FPE)
- Head of Restoration (FPE)
- Chef de Réception / Cheffe de Réception (FPE)
- Gastro Operations Manager (FPE)
- Maintenance specialist (FPE)
Building on this, preparatory courses for the Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE), for example as a
- Building cleaner (AFPE)
- Head of Hotel Housekeeping (AFPE)
- Head of Communal Catering (AFPE)
- Head of Facility Management and Maintenance (AFPE) or also
- Head of Restoration can be visited.
An alternative to the federal examinations is to attend a College of Higher Education and obtain a diploma in Facility Management CHE or a diploma in Hotel Management CHE.
With a Federal Vocational Baccalaureate, housekeeping specialists can also study for a Bachelor of Science (UAS) in Facility Management.
What does a specialist in hotel housekeeping Federal VET Diploma (formerly specialist in housekeeping Federal VET Diploma) do?
Housekeeping specialists with a Federal Diploma of Vocational Education and Training (VET Diploma) are responsible for organizing and carrying out a wide range of housekeeping tasks in a family or large household. They often work in a team and in contact with guests, residents or patients. They are responsible for preparing and serving simple dishes, clearing and washing up, service and organization, as well as helping with events, laundry care including washing, drying, ironing, folding and supplying. In addition, a hotel housekeeping specialist carries out maintenance cleaning, special and basic cleaning and adheres to hygiene regulations. The tasks of housekeeping specialists also include flower care, interior design and keeping the rooms tidy, as well as instructing non-specialist staff and various administrative tasks such as preparing accounts, placing orders, warehousing and office work.
How long does the apprenticeship to become a specialist in hotel housekeeping Federal VET Diploma or a specialist in hotel housekeeping according to Art. 32 BBV?
Adult education to become a Federal VET Diploma specialist in hotel housekeeping takes two years and is completed while working.
Do I also have to attend school during my training as a hotel housekeeping specialist Federal VET Diploma?
Professionals who wish to acquire the federal certificate of competence through adult education in accordance with Art. 32 OPET can decide for themselves how they wish to prepare for the QV. They are therefore responsible for ensuring that they have the necessary theoretical knowledge by the time they complete their apprenticeship. The following options are available:
- Attending vocational school with the regular apprentices (young people)
- Attending special courses for adults: For professions in which many adults are catching up on their vocational qualifications, there are training courses specially designed for adults. They usually take place every week in the evening and/or on Saturdays.
- Self-study: preparation for the QV without attending school, using the teaching materials used at the vocational schools
Information, tips and tests for "Housekeeping Specialist (EFZ)" (since 2023: Specialist in hotel housekeeping / specialist in hotel housekeeping)
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