Real estate marketing: training, courses, information and schools

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Real estate marketing training: Targeted marketing of real estate

Real estate marketing is the term used when classic marketing tools are applied to products in the real estate sector. Where estate agents used to communicate strict information - e.g. in brochures or advertisements - today, experienced real estate marketing specialists are needed. Competition is fierce and real estate needs to be marketed faster and in a more targeted manner.

All parts of marketing in the real estate industry are based on market research and opinion polling, just as in business marketing. In this way, the ideas and needs of the target group should always be recognized so that the offer can be adapted accordingly. Real estate agents and developers should always know where and how their target groups want to live or work. In this way, a project can be planned and sold accordingly.

Training or further education in real estate marketing has a future

Marketing specialists in the real estate sector therefore do not simply record sales advertisements, but analyze the market, help plan projects and take care of various information channels. The aim is to identify and address sales markets for all possible real estate projects such as single-family homes, apartments, commercial complexes, shopping arcades or entire development areas. Potential customers are addressed on an emotional level by using visualizations and images and attributing values to the properties that will stick with the target group. Market research, advertising, PR, event marketing and online marketing are therefore important topics when training as a marketing specialist in the real estate sector.

Are you looking for training / further education in real estate marketing? Would you like to specialize in this field and are you looking for suitable offers from schools? At you can quickly and easily find an overview of the most important courses on this subject. Order free and non-binding information brochures directly online or arrange a personal consultation directly with the schools.

Questions and answers

Marketing for real estate primarily leads to better sales opportunities. This is because it attracts more attention from interested parties. And the more interested parties a property has, the higher the price and the faster the property can be sold. Effective real estate marketing therefore leads to a significantly better result.

The certificate course in real estate marketing complements the professional experience and specialist training of real estate professionals. It deepens marketing knowledge for the marketing of real estate in a targeted and practice-oriented manner. In this way, real estate can be brokered to customers quickly and in a targeted manner.

The most important steps in real estate online marketing are

  • Online marketing with a CRM system as the basis for automated processes
  • Social media for social proof to build trust and radiate professionalism
  • SEO as well as content marketing and advertising
  • Overarching strategy for linking and coordinating measures (well-founded and realistic)

Online marketing real estate or online marketing real estate is the use of digital media and technologies to increase the visibility of a real estate company or property. Digital marketing in the real estate industry can be used to increase the visibility of a real estate company or property. Digital marketing in the real estate industry has the advantage that it has a wide reach and makes it easy to get in touch with potential customers.

The following topics are typically covered in real estate marketing training:

  • Introduction Marketing
  • Market research
  • Advertising
  • Public relations (public relations work)
  • Event marketing
  • Internet marketing

Often a case study on real estate marketing is also worked on in order to link the acquired knowledge with practice.

The 6 main points for a successful real estate marketing strategy are:

  • Basis of the marketing strategy - understanding the target market (geographical, demographic and psychographic characteristics as well as behavioral characteristics and target categories)
  • Building on a strong brand - developing a strong brand image that suits the target group
  • Design a transparent and uncomplicated online presence (clear, intuitive, relevant, SEO-optimized and easy to contact)
  • Optimize online presence (reviews and online reputation as well as social networks)
  • Adapt advertising message to marketing channel (adapt communication style to selected online marketing channels)
  • Generate new customers (content and readability for better SEO visibility and more conversions)

Marketing real estate works by taking the following important factors into account:

  • Target group
  • Addressing target groups
  • Price segment
  • Location
  • Customer expectations
  • Wishes and needs of the target group
  • Design of the marketing process
  • Selection of suitable marketing measures
  • Detailed location research

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


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Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

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Wartenbergstr. 9
4052 Basel
Business Administration Institute and Seminar Basel AG
(5.4) Very good 32 32 Ratings (100% )
The Business Administration Institute and Seminar Basel offers intensive business administration courses in the form of distance learning courses. Our practice-oriented intensive business administration courses cover all the essential topics of business administration. The intensive courses are organized as part-time distance learning courses and last around 9-12 months, depending on the time available to the individual participant.

- Intensive course in business administration
- Compact course in financial management
- Intensive course in real estate economics
- Certificate course in marketing
- Certificate course in real estate marketing
- Certificate course in Online Marketing
- Certificate course in business start-up
- Crash Courses Business Administration
- Webinars

Our advantages:
1. clear focus on the essential topics of business administration
2. very high time flexibility for our participants
3. Individual, personal support for participants by the institute's management
» Company conditions and cooperation opportunities
Strengths: Clear focus on the essential topics of business administration, very high time flexibility of our participants, personal support of the participants by the management of the institute.
Discount for Swisscom employees: 20% (when registering via this platform at «Course registration» )
Region: Basel
Sites: Basel
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:

Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung

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