Web & Media Publisher (Cert.) (Region Bern):
2 Provider
Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung
Education location / Schools Bern
Questions and answers
How is the Web & Media Publisher course structured?
Continuing education, further training to become a web & media publisher can vary greatly depending on the provider. For example, it takes around 18 months part-time at one school, where you attend classes once a week for one day, and eight months once a week at another school. For exact dates and times, please contact your preferred educational institution directly.
What do web & media publishers learn in continuing education, further training?
During training as a web & media publisher, participants learn how to design and create multimedia content and are therefore responsible for everything from planning and realization to the publication of advertising campaigns. They also learn how to advise and support future clients, learn how to use the latest applications, methods, programs and standards and the legal aspects, they can implement web projects with the latest tools and design marketing measures, including search engine optimization measures.
What qualification do graduates of a Web & Media Publisher course receive?
After successfully completing the course, graduates receive the school's own diploma as a web and media publisher.
What are the requirements for a Web & Media Publisher course?
As a rule, there are no special school requirements for admission to continuing education, further training as a web & media publisher. However, solid PC user skills are required. The respective providers will provide information on the exact admission requirements.
What content is taught in a Web & Media Publisher training course?
The content of a web & media publisher training course can vary greatly depending on which course you choose and which qualification you are aiming for. For example, the basics of web programming, the use of content management systems to maintain websites and design basics as well as image editing programs can be topics of a comprehensive training course, as well as graphics, photo graphics, logo design, motion graphics, AS& Javascript, game development, CCS, web design, JavaScript, Visual F/X, video, composition, sound design, 3D visualization, sound design, content management, PHP and database / MySQL. For detailed and current contents of the individual training courses and continuing education, further training in web and media publishing, please contact the respective providers directly using the contact form.
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