Financial advisor (certified)  (Region Ostschweiz):
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Bernerstrasse Süd 169
8048 Zürich
IfFP Institute for Financial Planning
(5.0) Very good 61 61 Ratings (96% )
The IfFP Institute for Financial Planning is one of the market leaders in the training and further education of financial professionals in Switzerland. Our strength lies in professional training for advisors with client-oriented tasks at all levels.

Our currently most important courses:

Insurance broker VBV - Cert. Insurance and pension consultant IAF
Cert. Investment Advisor IAF
Certified financial advisor IAF
Financial planner with federal FA
Certified Real Estate Advisor IAF
Certified occupational pensions advisor IAF
CFP® Certified Financial Planner™
Certified financial planning expert NDS HF
SME financial expert with federal DP
CAS Management of corporate succession
MLA compliance
Continuing education seminars in insurance and pensions:
Continuing education seminars on company succession
» Company conditions and cooperation opportunities
Strengths: Proven know-how | Many years of experience | High practical relevance
Region: Aargau, Basel, Ostschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Basel, Bern, Buchs SG, Chur, Olten, Winterthur, Zürich
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Innovative Ausbildungsmethoden
Neuengasse 20
3011 Bern
Mendo AG
(5.2) Very good 70 70 Ratings (100% )
CREDIBLE, PRACTICAL AND UP-TO-DATE. Mendo AG has specialized in the training of financial advisors for many years and is known for its high quality standards. With its nationwide, trilingual offering and partnerships with other educational institutions, Mendo AG is a leader in the training of financial experts.

Our most important training courses are as follows:
- Insurance broker VBV
- Certified financial advisor IAF
- Financial planner with federal certificate
- CAS Senior Financial Consultant (in partnership with the HWZ University of Applied Sciences in Business Administration Zurich)
- Continuing education seminars "excellence in finance"
- Online courses
Strengths: High quality standards / Bilingual offering / Leading in the training of financial advisors
Region: Aargau, Bern, Ostschweiz, Tessin, Westschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Baden, Zürich, Bern, Luzern, St. Gallen, Lausanne, Vezia
Next start date
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Blended Learning
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Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung

Questions and answers

IAF financial advisors have the following further training opportunities, for example:

  • Specialist in finance and accounting (FPE)
  • Financial planner (FPE)
  • Finance and investment expert (AFPE)
  • SME financial expert (AFPE)
  • Financial Analyst (AFPE)
  • Asset manager (AFPE)
  • Bank economist (CHE)
  • Insurance economist (CHE)
  • NDS-CHE Tax consultant (CHE)
  • Further offers from the IfFP Institute for Financial Planning, Colleges of Higher Education and Universities of Applied Sciences
  • Numerous CAS, DAS and MAS postgraduate courses at Universities

Financial advisors are entrusted with analyzing the financial markets and insurance and financial products, which serves as the basis for their advisory activities. They use their knowledge to provide comprehensive advice to private clients on all aspects of financial planning. This includes both pension provision and asset accumulation, for example with investment funds, as well as real estate. In all their activities, financial advisors always focus on the personal needs of the customer, whom they accompany from the initial consultation through to the conclusion of the contract.

According to a survey conducted by the education platform, people are interested in financial advisor training for the following reasons:

  • 83.5 % check whether the course meets their needs
  • 12.5 % have received a recommendation for this course
  • 4% of survey participants show interest because of mentions in job advertisements.

Four people gave private reasons for their interest. They gave a free answer option:

  • "I would like to use the knowledge I have acquired to manage my assets and pension assets after payment."
  • "I will retire in five years, have a lot of savings and want to invest them properly."
  • "I would like to make financial consulting a mainstay of my self-employed activity."
  • "Deepening my specialist knowledge"

Financial advisors who are employed by a bank or insurance company usually earn a basic salary and the rest through commissions. Self-employed financial advisor jobs are usually financed by hourly fees and commissions. Commissions should be disclosed in financial advice. This is because hidden commissions can promote conflicts of interest, as brokering expensive financial instruments usually brings higher commissions than more cost-effective solutions. In most cases, commission is not only paid during the advisory and implementation phase, but also during subsequent asset management. A good financial advisor provides neutral - not product-related - advice. After all, long-term customer satisfaction is more important than the high commission that comes with a bad recommendation.

Financial advisor training lasts 9 to 12 months. It is divided into two blocks - the main course and the exam training. This is supplemented by approximately one day of online self-study. Between the two blocks, the school's internal intermediate examination is held to assess your personal situation. The IAF financial advisor training course covers the following topics:

  • Taxes
  • Law
  • Assets (incl. FIDLEG)
  • Precaution
  • Insurance
  • Real estate

Following the financial advisor training, those who wish can prepare for the exam with additional intensive training. The IAF financial advisor courses are offered as face-to-face courses or as blended learning courses, whereby the main course and the intermediate examination can be completed online. In both options, the exam training takes place in the classroom.

The prerequisite for admission to the final examination as a financial advisor IAF requires proof of basic vocational training (EFZ) and at least 2 years of professional experience. Anyone who cannot provide proof of basic vocational training needs 5 years of professional experience in the financial services sector. Larger financial service providers often give career changers the opportunity for a professional reorientation. This allows them to start working and gain solid basic training on the job through coaching from experienced financial professionals. Later, once they have gained professional experience, career changers in financial consulting complete their training with an IAF qualification. There are often even specific job advertisements for career changers.

According to an education survey conducted by the platform, participants contact schools about the financial advisor course for various reasons. 55 % of respondents make inquiries to schools because they have read about them online. 22.5 %, on the other hand, were recommended the school/s. 22.5 %, on the other hand, already knew the schools from which they requested detailed information from previous training or further education courses. Some people gave us the following additional reasons with the voluntary response options:

  • due to the place of training
  • I'm looking for further training so that I can invest money properly and in a targeted manner
  • nearest school
  • because it has an online offering
  • Google search

The IAF financial advisor continuing education (Interessengemeinschaft Ausbildung im Finanzbereich) requires the following criteria at the latest when taking the exam:

  • Federal Diploma of Vocational Education and Training (Federal VET Diploma) or equivalent qualification


  • At least one year of professional experience after graduation


  • At least five years of professional experience

Ask the provider of your choice about the applicable and any additional internal school admission requirements.

The definition of a financial advisor is as follows: Financial advisor is the professional title for a service provider who advises clients on financial investments, loans or insurance. Financial advice is provided in relation to an event or as part of structured financial planning. A financial advisor therefore brokers financial products. They are employed or self-employed. Self-employed advisors are often contractually bound to providers of financial products (banks, insurance companies) or financial sales companies.
Financial advice focuses on four central points:

  • Capital formation
  • Pension provision (today and in old age)
  • Optimum insurance cover
  • Home financing

In addition to advice, financial advice also includes the implementation of measures and the sale of suitable financial products.

The qualified financial advisor IAF advises the broad middle class of employed persons in the employment phase. With this qualification, graduates fulfill the educational requirements of the Financial Market Authority (Finma) for financial sales and can register as insurance brokers. They can then go on to complete the federal certificate as a financial planner. Financial advisors are employees of banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions as well as independent advisors. They are able to provide independent financial advice to private individuals in the active acquisition phase, taking into account the legal framework. The main areas of advice include the initial presentation, situation analysis, recommendation of measures and closing the sale.

Tips, tests and information on "Financial advisor with IAF certificate"

Is financial advice really my vocation?
» Vocational tests
How well known is the "Financial Advisor" course and what is its image among potential employers?
» Awareness and image
What wage increase can you expect after completing the course?
» Wage information, wage calculator
What can graduates do after completing the "Financial Advisor" course?
» Skills and competencies
What experiences have previous participants had with the course?
» Evaluation of training / experience
How much does the course cost, how long does it last, am I admitted?
» Course self-test
What are the advantages of the "Financial Advisor" course?
» 10 advantages
What are the disadvantages of the IAF financial advisor training?
» 5 Disadvantages
Overview of the professional field of financial planning
» Guide to banking, financial planning and insurance
What is required in the financial advisor job? How are the activities divided up?
» Information from job advertisements

Infographic "Financial advice training and further education"

Find the right educational level and qualification immediately with!

Do you know your options for training or further education in the field of financial advice and planning? We will show you where you stand in the Swiss education system and what higher levels and qualifications are available.

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Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Educational counseling online

Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

Preview of the video «4 Schritte zur richtigen Weiterbildung»
Preview of the video «Warum Bildungsportal mit top Service für Bildungsinteressenten»

Haven't found the right training or further education yet? Benefit from educational advice now!

Further training is not only important in order to maintain or increase professional attractiveness, investing in training or further training is still the most efficient way to increase the chances of a pay rise.

The Swiss education system offers a wide range of individual training and further education opportunities - depending on your personal level of education, professional experience and educational goals.

Choosing the right educational offer is not easy for many prospective students.

Which training and further education is the right one for my path?

Our education advisory team will guide you through the "education jungle", providing specific input and relevant background information to help you choose the right offer.

Your advantages:

You will receive

  • Suggestions for suitable courses, seminars or training programs based on the information you provide in the questionnaire
  • An overview of the different levels and types of education
  • Information about the Swiss education system

We offer our educational counseling in the following languages on request: French, Italian, English

Register now and concretize your training plans.

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