International Food Business: Training, further education, studies, schools
International Food Business: Successful on the international market
Questions and answers
What does the CAS in International Food Business continuing education course teach?
The "CAS International Food Business" course consists of three compulsory elective modules: "Strategies and framework conditions of international trade", "Culture and communication in an international context" and "Operational import and export". These modules cover topics such as strategies for international procurement and "going international", support organizations, trade and food law, international trade relations and their sustainability, international business activities and their significance, cultural influence on food markets, international consumer research, intercultural management, Marketing communication in an international environment, standardizing and differentiating brands, products and food concepts, positioning yourself as a Swiss food producer abroad, international food logistics, sales price calculation, risk management, import and export processing, food safety in export, export organization, procurement and financial hedging.
What special admission requirements apply to the CAS International Food Business (UAS) continuing education, further training?
Persons who have a diploma from a state-recognized Universities and at least 2 years of professional experience are eligible for admission.
"Sur Dossier" admission is granted to persons who have a higher degree (FPE / AFPE / CHE) and at least 3 years of professional experience, preferably in a field related to the food industry.
The course management decides on final admission.
For whom is the continuing education, further training CAS International Food Business (UAS) interesting?
The continuing education, further training in International Food Business is of particular interest to project managers, decision-makers and employees from companies in the food industry or from business areas within it, whether trading or manufacturing, who are aligning their activities internationally or intend to do so in the future.
What are the objectives of the CAS International Food Business (UAS) course?
The aim of the CAS International Food Business continuing education course is to provide participants with the skills required to develop international procurement and sales strategies and to research the legal basis for international business activities. Participants should also be able to gain an understanding of the importance of international integration in procurement and sales markets for their own area of activity and be able to operate in an intercultural environment. In addition, graduates of continuing education, further training should be able to drive forward the development and implementation of export strategies and international procurement strategies in an operational sales plan.
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