What are the main disadvantages of this communication specialist training?

After completing their training, communication specialists are able to plan and coordinate advertising and communication measures. They work closely with internal and external partners from the fields of marketing, creation, production and media.

The main disadvantages of training as a communications specialist are

  1. As the Communication Specialist course usually takes place over two to three semesters while working, good time management is required in order to do justice to all areas of life.
  2. The examination pressure at the annual federal final examinations for communication specialist training is high.
  3. Anyone who wants to work in communications not only needs to enjoy dealing with people and have good verbal and written communication skills, but also good manners, organizational skills and the ability to work under pressure in hectic situations. Not everyone has all of these skills, and not all of them can be acquired in a communication specialist course.
  4. The Federal PET Diploma is not recognized abroad. Anyone wishing to work abroad must therefore request official proof of this professional qualification from the State Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation SERI in order to prove their eligibility.
  5. The examination pressure at the annual federal final examinations is high, but this is taken into account during the training. There are mock examinations and learning checks beforehand.


Communications specialists work in various companies, in communications or media agencies, advertising agencies, media publishers or film companies.

Training provider of a communication specialist training program