Performance management: seminars, workshops, studies, offers and schools
Compensation & Performance Management - Performance Management
Questions and answers
What are the benefits of the CAS in Performance Management?
The certificate course aims to provide participants with the skills required to align performance and compensation management explicitly with the corporate strategy and, building on this, to create concepts that ensure the implementation of the strategy and its effectiveness. To this end, course participants also acquire the knowledge required to determine and utilize the performance driver-impact relationships.
What are the requirements for participants in the certificate course in Performance Management?
In order to complete the CAS Performance Management, you must have a degree from a University of Applied Sciences or university and at least three years of relevant professional experience.
Persons without a university degree, but with at least five years of relevant professional experience and corresponding previous training at continuing education and training / tertiary level (Federal Professional Examination, Advanced Professional Examination or College of Higher Education), can be admitted on a "sur dossier" basis.
Further information can be obtained via the contact form of the respective school - quickly, easily and without obligation.
How many credits are awarded for continuing education, further training in performance management?
The continuing education, further training in Performance Management with Certificate of Advanced Studies is awarded 12 ECTS credits.
Who is the target group for the Performance Management course?
The course in performance management is aimed at line managers and members of management, compensation managers, HR specialists responsible for performance management and HR managers.
What content does the CAS in Performance Management teach?
The Certificate of Advanced Studies CAS in Performance and Compensation Management is divided into two modules, each of which deals with a specific focus. Module 1 deals with classic concepts, balanced value cards, strategic embedding, organizational management logic, strategy maps, framework design, process-oriented approaches and the role of HR in performance management. In module two, which deals with total compensation management, the topics of employee benefits, legal framework conditions and influencing factors, base pay, external pay equity, summative and anal. Classification procedures, variable executive compensation and the development of performance and compensation management.
How comprehensive is the Performance Management course?
The Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) Performance and Compensation Management comprises 14 days of instruction spread over 4 months. The workload of the course is around 300 hours, whereby the learning effort of each student is of course individual.
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