Computer Science Bachelor (FH) (Region Basel):
1 Provider
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Education location / Schools Basel
Questions and answers
Does every Bachelor's degree program in Computer Science have the same admission requirements?
In principle, the respective University of Applied Sciences decides on admission to the course.
However, the admission requirements for studying computer science are often the same or similar.
As a rule, you should expect the following admission requirements:
- Federally recognized technical or commercial Federal Vocational Baccalaureate and completed apprenticeship
- Completion of a College of Higher Education or a Specialized Baccalaureate in the same or a related field
- Baccalaureate and at least one year of professional internship in a field related to the field of study
- Baccalaureate and internship contract with an IT company (for practice-integrated Bachelor's degree program)
In addition, good English and mathematics skills are expected, as well as initial programming experience at many Universities. Detailed information on the admission requirements for the individual courses can be found in the course descriptions of the Universities.
I would like to study computer science with a focus on mobile computing or something like that, is that even possible as a Bachelor's degree?
Study IT: Why study IT?
There are the following reasons for studying computer science:
- acquire a broad and well-founded specialist knowledge of various operating systems, applications, programming, networks and computer architectures by studying IT
- combine with business knowledge and analytical thinking
- be able to develop solutions to complex problems through combined knowledge
- can take on demanding project management and leadership tasks
- Technological change requires permanent adjustments and further training
How long does it take to study Computer Science at a University of Applied Sciences (Informatik UAS)?
The degree course in Computer Science at the University of Applied Sciences (Informatik UAS) takes different lengths of time depending on the variant:
- 6 semesters full-time
- At least 8 semesters part-time (practice-integrated)
What specializations are possible in a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science?
The areas of specialization for a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science vary depending on the university. For example, one university of applied sciences currently focuses on Web and Business Applications, Computer Perception and Virtual Reality, IT Security and Mobile Computing, while another offers Distributed Software Systems (DSS), Information Processing and Virtualization (IPV) and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) System Management. A third university offers the specializations Network Design + Security, Application Design - Cloud Solution and Software Engineering, while a fourth offers Enterprise Computing, Information Security and Path & Data Science. As you can see, the choice is immense. It is therefore best to obtain all the necessary documents directly from the universities and compare the offers carefully.
What do you learn in the Bachelor's degree in Computer Science?
The following modules are covered in the Bachelor of Computer Science:
- Computer science
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Programming
- Software Engineering
- Operating systems
- Telematics
- Multimedia
- Networks
- IT security
- Web engineering
- Business administration
- Project management
- English
Depending on the university of applied sciences, different compulsory and elective modules, various specializations and areas of specialization are offered.
What does a computer scientist with a Bachelor's degree in computer science do?
Computer Scientists FH with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science perform the following tasks:
- Create specifications
- Structuring and programming software
- Testing and data migration
- User training
- Ensuring smooth operation with support
- Administer and maintain databases, hardware components, servers and networks
- Design, implement and operate information and communication technology systems
- Networking individual systems with complete systems
- Eliminate hardware and software errors
- Consider data security, change and quality management
- Manage projects and departments in all IT areas
- Responsible for the operation and further development of the entire ICT infrastructure
- Partial customer consulting, sales and specialization in IT sub-areas
I already work as a computer scientist, but would still like to do a Bachelor's degree. What is the easiest way to do this?
If you are already working and do not have the opportunity or do not see the point in completing a full-time degree course and thereby massively reducing your working hours, there are two interesting alternatives for you. Firstly, you can study for a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science while working. Such a part-time course lasts around eight to ten semesters and allows you to continue working, although not at every university and in every study phase (especially not in the first year) full-time. Another study option that may even be very attractive to you is distance learning. This recognized university degree course at a distance-learning university of applied sciences allows you to study at an extremely flexible time with only 20 percent face-to-face teaching in one of four cities in Switzerland and 80 percent supervised self-study.
What kind of degree is BSc Computer Science (Bachelor of Science Computer Science)?
Successful graduates of a Bachelor's degree program in Computer Science receive a Bachelor's degree from a federally accredited university of applied sciences. They may now use the following protected title: "Bachelor of Science [FH] in Computer Science". FH] refers to the university of applied sciences at which the Bachelor's degree was obtained.
Which computer science universities of applied sciences (FH Informatik) are there?
There is not only one university of applied sciences for computer science (FH Informatik), but also several regional educational programs:
- Bern University of Applied Sciences Engineering and Information Technology TI, Biel or Bern
- Freiburg University of Applied Sciences for Engineering and Architecture
- University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Windisch
- Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts - Engineering & Architecture
- HSR University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil
- ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Winterthur and Zurich
- Swiss Distance-Learning University of Applied Sciences (80% self-study, 20% face-to-face teaching in Basel, Bern, Brig or Zurich)
Do I need to have special skills to study computer science?
Tips, tests and information on "Computer Science Bachelor (UAS)"
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