Hypnotherapy: training, further education, information, self-test, overview of schools and information
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Questions and answers
What are the reasons behind school inquiries from people interested in further training in hypnotherapy?
The education platform Ausbildung-Weiterbildung.ch asked prospective students how they go about enquiring about schools for hypnotherapy training. The survey results revealed that
- 68% of respondents triggered requests to schools for an online assessment
- 25 % received a recommendation for school
- 7% of survey participants already knew the school beforehand
Text responses from survey participants show other important reasons for school inquiries - namely proximity: "Is near where I live", "Just because", "Google", "Inernet research", "Coincidence", "Just because" and "Interest".
Hypnosis course: Why do people show interest in the "Hypnotherapy (Cert.)" course?
This question about the hypnosis course is answered as follows by the results of a survey conducted by the education platform Ausbildung-Weiterbildung.ch: 94% of respondents would like to find out whether this course meets their needs. However, 6% of the survey participants showed interest based on recommendations. None show interest based on a listing in job advertisements. Participants also responded with a free text answer and gave their reason for interest as "I am interested in the topic and its possibilities", "I am interested", "targeted further training", "as further training for my self-employment as a kinesiologist", "further development of my skills as a coach" and "I am a certified mental coach and would like to be able to offer more".
How does hypnotherapy work?
We are all familiar with hypnotic or trance-like states from everyday life. They happen again and again and usually go unnoticed. For example, when we are driving and suddenly wonder why we are already there and have covered the distance completely "in our heads". Or when we immerse ourselves in a book and seem to be in the middle of the action, in which we even perceive the colors of the curtains on the protagonist's neighbor's house. These states are similar to hypnotherapy, although in hypnotherapy this state is induced deliberately and in a more focused way.
After a discussion about the objective of the hypnotherapy session and the client's wishes, the hypnotherapist begins the induction, the process of moving from conscious to subconscious awareness. The client begins to relax while the hypnotist guides them into this state of complete relaxation, both physically and mentally. Once this state of complete relaxation and calm has been achieved, the subconscious mind opens up and the problem or issue can be addressed together with the therapist. The hypnotized person can be approached at any time and is in no way at the mercy of the situation. On the contrary, he or she is in a state similar to that just before falling asleep. When body and mind are relaxed, but by no means switched off.
During hypnosis, the hypnotized person can perceive unconscious memories, recognize patterns and track down the reasons for their addiction, phobia, depression, anxiety, intemperance, violence, etc. in order to subsequently resolve them. During hypnotherapy, the therapist anchors desired behavioral changes ("you are now a non-smoker" or "your fear of the dark is no longer necessary today - let it go") in the client's subconscious, who perceives them as a new reality as soon as he/she is brought out of the trance (dissolution of hypnosis).
Hypnosis training: Do I need any special prerequisites to be able to train as a hypnotherapist?
In most cases, no special prior knowledge or prerequisites are required for hypnotherapy/hypnosis training. Everything that is necessary for this activity is intensively learned, tested and internalized during the training. However, certain admission requirements may apply for hypnotherapist training. In this case, please enquire directly with the respective school.
Does health insurance pay for hypnotherapy?
Depending on the supplementary health insurance, hypnotherapy can be covered by health insurance companies, but this depends on the therapist's training and additional qualifications. In combination with autogenic training, however, this is again possible.
How long does hypnotherapy training to become a hypnotherapist take?
Depending on the provider, hypnotherapy training lasts a few days, six months or up to two years. The duration depends on the scope and intensity of the learning. The schools provide clear information on the amount of time and learning required.
Does hypnotherapy work for everyone?
Trust in the therapist and the willingness to be put into a trance are the basic prerequisites for hypnotherapy to be successful at all. Anyone who does not trust the hypnotherapist and is afraid of entering a hypnotic state is unlikely to relax deeply enough for hypnotherapy to be possible. However, the belief that hypnosis helps does not necessarily have to be present. Even "non-believers" who have the willingness and trust can be hypnotized.
Tips, tests and information on "Hypnotherapy (cert.)"
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