Team leader training: What are the main disadvantages?
After team leader training, you will be able to lead a group of employees in companies from a wide range of sectors. You manage a small organizational unit and are the link between the team and the department or division management. They often have the same skills as their employees and carry out the same work.
The main disadvantages of team leader training are
- Completion of the team leader training is not a federal certificate. The qualification in the form of a certificate or school diploma is a good basis for entry into a management position. Depending on the sector or professional group, there are also association certificates, e.g. from Swissmem, the leading association for SMEs and large companies in the Swiss mechanical, electrical and metal industry. There are special courses for team leaders in the medical, socio-medical or social sectors. Make sure that your choice of course optimally supports your professional goals.
- For courses at certificate level, there are no regulations regarding admission and course content. Association certificates guarantee a certain level of training quality.
- The time required for preparation and follow-up work, self-study and examinations must be planned for in the private and professional environment.
- The costs of team leader training of around CHF 2,200 to CHF 3,500 are not subsidized by the federal government, as there is no federal examination. As the company usually sponsors your team leadership, it usually covers at least part of the costs.
- Even after completing the team leader training, the learning does not stop: If you want to take on a qualified management role, you should complete a Federal Professional Examination, e.g. to become a management specialist.
Graduates are employed as managers, primarily in lower and middle management positions in companies of various sizes in different professional fields.
Provider of team leader training