In-house sales seminar: schools, training providers, information, FAQs
Organize an in-house sales seminar to increase sales turnover
Questions and answers
What specialized knowledge can you gain in a sales seminar?
You can acquire the following specialist knowledge in a sales seminar:
- profound understanding of sales today
- Tips and tricks for emphatic selling
- new negotiation techniques
- Targeted clarification of needs
- Creating added value for customers
- Application of sales methods
- Use sales techniques
- Achieve an immediate impact on sales
Who is eligible for sales training?
In most cases, anyone is eligible for sales training. In some cases, basic vocational training or a minimum age is required. On the other hand, initial experience in sales is usually an advantage.
Why complete further training in sales?
Further training in sales is worthwhile, as products and services are becoming increasingly similar in our fast-moving times. With this interchangeability, the personality of the salesperson and their sales methods make the difference in sales. Good relationship management can make all the difference.
What are the different sales seminars?
Different sales seminars are for example:
- Winning new customers
- More successful sales talks
- Negotiate confidently and successfully
- Professional customer contact
- Sales training
- Winning customers online
- Follow-up and additional sales
Which sales methods are taught in the Sales seminar?
The following sales methods are taught in the sales seminar:
- Customer-oriented behavior
- Questioning technique and needs assessment
- Conversation structures
- Sales psychology
- verbal and non-verbal communication
- Sales rhetoric
- Presentation technology
- Dealing with arguments and objections
- Sales follow-up
- Complaint handling
- Time management and statistics
- Work and problem-solving techniques
- Promoting creativity
What are the objectives of sales training?
After a sales training course, you will have acquired knowledge in the following areas:
- Self-management basics
- The basics of sales
- Acquisition methods
- Recognizing needs and motives
- Sales conversations (types and structure of conversations)
- Sales methods and psychology
- Price and sales negotiations
After the training, you can carry out the planning yourself and acquire customers professionally. Profitable sales talks are possible and sales staff can turn objections into opportunities.
How long does a sales seminar last?
Depending on the scope and provider, a sales seminar can last from a few hours to three days. Several days are also conceivable, especially if different subject areas are covered. If it lasts longer, e.g. a semester, it is referred to as sales training or sales training.
What does a sales seminar focus on?
A sales seminar focuses on the following sales steps:
- Create customer contact
- Making an appointment
- Sales pitch preparation
- Make a good first impression
- Sales pitch structure
- Recognizing customer needs
- Building a benefit argumentarium
- Dispelling objections
- Terminating signals
- Closing a sale
- Customer loyalty
What learning content is covered in sales seminars?
The following topics are covered in the sales seminars:
- Knowing and using your own strengths
- Sales preparation
- Sales psychology
- Communication
- Sales methodology
- Sales advice
- Sales argumentation and objection handling
- Price negotiation
- Internal communication channels
- Relationship management and complaints
- Important industry knowledge, with industry-specific orientation
Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung
Haven't found the right training or further education yet? Benefit from educational advice now!
Further training is not only important in order to maintain or increase professional attractiveness, investing in training or further training is still the most efficient way to increase the chances of a pay rise.
The Swiss education system offers a wide range of individual training and further education opportunities - depending on your personal level of education, professional experience and educational goals.
Choosing the right educational offer is not easy for many prospective students.
Which training and further education is the right one for my path?
Our education advisory team will guide you through the "education jungle", providing specific input and relevant background information to help you choose the right offer.
Your advantages:
You will receive
- Suggestions for suitable courses, seminars or training programs based on the information you provide in the questionnaire
- An overview of the different levels and types of education
- Information about the Swiss education system
We offer our educational counseling in the following languages on request: French, Italian, English
Register now and concretize your training plans.

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