Surgical technology: training, information, schools and offers in your area

Eine Fachfrau Operationstechnik HF assistiert den Chirurgen während der Operation.
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Are you looking for the right provider for your surgical technology training?

Here at you can quickly and easily find a selection of suitable training providers and also detailed information documents that you can order directly online, free of charge and without obligation.

Tips and decision-making aids for surgical technology training

If you work in surgical technology, you have a great deal of responsibility. They take on the planning and organization of various operations and prepare the operating theatre for the upcoming procedure. Specialists in surgical technology are responsible for a sterile and aseptic environment in the operating theater. They monitor all technical instruments and hand the necessary instruments to the surgeons during the operation. In the event of an unplanned incident during the operation, they must be able to react quickly and correctly. These reactions are often life-saving. For this reason, surgical technicians are expected to have very good perceptive faculties and a high level of concentration.

After the operation, they are responsible for cleaning and sterilizing the operating theatre and instruments in accordance with regulations. Emergency patients are also sometimes cared for by surgical technicians, as they were formerly known. Training to become a surgical technology specialist takes three years and is completed at the College of Higher Education level. Various internships are completed during the training. In addition to theoretical lessons, practical training is also often provided.

For more information or if you are looking for specific educational offers, we recommend visiting the renowned online education center Recognized schools present their educational offers on this portal.

Questions and answers

Specialists in surgical technology CHE bear a great deal of responsibility in the preparation, execution and follow-up of operations.
  • They assist the surgeons, hand over instruments and receive them.
  • They are responsible for the availability of the necessary materials and the functioning of the equipment and always ensure compliance with hygiene regulations in everything they do.
  • To ensure that an operation runs smoothly, they organize the workflow in the operating area.
  • They coordinate the deployment of a wide variety of teams from different specialist disciplines and specialist staff.
  • They are responsible for materials management, which includes maintenance and disposal.
  • In addition, these specialists take intensive care of the patient's well-being before, during and after an operation.

Nach der Ausbildung Operationstechnik HF arbeiten Fachleute Operationstechnik meist in Spitälern und Kliniken. Sie können aber auch in Tageskliniken, Ambulatorien, Arztpraxen oder in Unternehmen der Medizintechnik tätig sein. In einigen Tätigkeitsbereichen arbeiten Fachleute Operationstechnik HF auch an Wochenenden, in Nachtschichten oder im Pikettdienst. Auch die Art und Intensität des Kontakts mit Patientinnen und Patienten ist je nach Tätigkeitsbereich unterschiedlich.

Nach dem Abschluss der HF Operationstechnik gibt es folgende Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten:

  • Kursangebote von Spitälern, Firmen, pädagogischen Institutionen und des Berufsverbandes SBV TOA in Bereichen wie Management, Ausbildung, Fachvertiefung, Mikrobiologie und Hygiene
  • Höhere Fachprüfung (HFP) z.B. Fachexpertin/Fachexperte für Infektionsprävention im Gesundheitswesen mit eidg. Diplom
  • Fachhochschulstudiengänge in verwandten Bereichen, z.B. Bachelor of Science (FH) in Pflege oder in Medizintechnik. Je nach Fachhochschule gelten unterschiedliche Zulassungsbedingungen.

Die Ausbildung Operationstechnik an einer Höheren Fachschule bereitet auf die Arbeit im Operationssaal vor. Dazu gehört das Planen und Organisieren aller Arbeitsabläufe für die geplante Operation sowie das Vorbereiten und Instrumentieren.

Full-time training at a College of Higher Education lasts around three years. About forty percent of the training takes place as a theoretical part at school, sixty percent as a practical part in at least two different specialties or institutions in the form of internships. Specialties can be, for example: orthopaedics, vascular surgery, urology, special surgery (thorax, heart, etc.), visceral surgery, gynaecology, traumatology. There, as well as in the theoretical training, trainees are trained in the following areas, among others:
  • Care and support of patients in the operating area
  • Instrumentation activity
  • Serving activity
  • Organization and logistics
  • Quality management
  • Interprofessional collaboration and communication
  • Career development

The training in surgical technology ends with an oral diploma examination, a written diploma thesis and an internship qualification in the surgery department.

Die administrativen Abläufe bei der Operationstechnik Ausbildung an der HF sind wie folgt:

  • Die Eignungsabklärung findet in den jeweiligen Institutionen statt. 
  • Der Ausbildungsvertrag wird zwischen der angehenden dipl. Fachperson Operationstechnik HF und dem Betrieb abgeschlossen. 
  • Die Anmeldung an die Höhere Fachschule erfolgt durch den Ausbildungsbetrieb.

Für Operationstechniker/innen gibt es folgende persönliche Anforderungen:

  • Konzentrationsfähigkeit
  • körperliche und psychische Belastbarkeit
  • Kontaktfreudigkeit
  • Kommunikationsfähigkeit
  • Interesse am Gesundheitswesen
  • Technisches Verständnis

Admission requirements for this continuing education, further training in surgical technology are usually:

  • Completed basic training of at least three years, preferably as a health professional Federal VET Diploma or medical practice assistant Federal VET Diploma


  • Vocational, technical or Baccalaureate or equivalent qualification


  • Aptitude assessment and admission procedure
  • Confirmation of a definitive internship position
  • Minimum age 17 years

Als Fachmann / Fachfrau Operationstechnik benötigen Sie folgende Kompetenzen:

  • Bereitstellen und Koordinieren der benötigten Instrumente, Materialien und Geräte
  • Instrumentieren während chirurgischer Eingriffe
  • Arbeiten nach aktuellen Hygienekonzepten im Operationsbereich
  • Instrumentenaufbereitung und Materialprüfung
  • Mitverantwortung bei der Patientenbetreuung vor, während und nach der Operation

Nach der Fachfrau Operationstechnik Ausbildung gibt es die Möglichkeit, sich auf eine chirurgische Fachrichtung zu spezialisieren. Möglich sind zum Beispiel Orthopädie, Herzchirurgie oder Mikrochirurgie. Mit genügend Erfahrung können sie den entsprechenden Operationsbereich einer Klinik leiten. Darüber hinaus besteht die Möglichkeit, sich pädagogisch weiterzubilden und in Krankenhäusern oder Schulen des Gesundheitswesens zu unterrichten.

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

Preview of the video «4 Schritte zur richtigen Weiterbildung»

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Gloriastrasse 16
8006 Zürich
Careum Education Center
We prepare you optimally for your future professional life in the healthcare sector. Choose between 3 basic vocational training courses and 5 courses at higher vocational colleges in the healthcare sector. We are currently training over 2,300 apprentices and students. Become a part of it and benefit from our central location in the middle of Zurich's university campus, our practice-oriented teaching methods, our modern infrastructure, our professional teaching staff and our attractive campus with integrated medical library, cafeteria and bistro.
Region: Zürich
Sites: Zürich
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Südallee 22
5001 Aarau
Higher technical college for health and social services
With the nursing, surgical technology and social pedagogy courses, the College of Health and Social Sciences (HFGS) in Aarau offers three practical training courses in varied and sought-after professional fields.

Close to people - Innovative teaching methods, committed teaching staff and close cooperation with practical institutions guarantee a well-founded and lively course of study leading to a federal diploma at tertiary level.
Strengths: Practical - varied - modern teaching methods - committed teaching staff - federal diploma - cantonal tuition fees - blended learning - attractive career prospects
Region: Aargau
Sites: Aarau
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Blended Learning
OdA GS Aarau

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