Degree, diploma and title
The higher professional examination for foreign trade managers is held once a year if at least 12 candidates meet the admission requirements, otherwise at least every two years. Candidates can take the examination in German, French or Italian.
Candidates are notified at least 40 calendar days before the start of the examination. The invitation includes the examination program (place and time of the examination) and the list of experts.
The higher professional examination is divided into the following parts:
1. diploma thesis (written, prepared in advance)
With the diploma thesis, candidates demonstrate that they are able to work on a problem from the field of foreign trade in a practice-oriented and independent manner, as well as develop and plan appropriate solutions and/or concepts. The assessment criteria can be found in the guidelines.
2. presentation of diploma thesis (oral, 15 minutes)
The candidates present their thesis to a panel of experts.
3. technical discussion (oral, 30 minutes)
This is followed by a technical discussion with experts about the thesis. The candidates answer the experts' questions about the content, procedure, results and questions of the thesis.
4. integrated case study (written, 240 minutes)
In this part of the examination, candidates solve a cross-thematic case study. They develop, analyze and optimize the corresponding action strategies as well as management and work tools.
5. management (written, 180 minutes)
In this written examination, various professional business administration topics are tested, such as management, organization, marketing, finance and accounting.
6. technical discussion (oral, 60 minutes)
In this part of the examination, candidates face at least two experts on various questions from the fields of foreign trade and business administration.
Diploma and title
Successful graduates of the higher professional examination receive a federal diploma and are entitled to use the federally recognized and protected title "Certified Foreign Trade Manager".
In French: "Responsable du commerce international diplômée / Responsable du commerce international diplômé"
In Italian: "Responsabile del commercia estero diplomata / Responsabile del commercia estero diplomato"
In English (This is only a recommendation/translation and not a protected title): "Executive Foreign Trade Specialist, Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education"