Computer scientist (EFZ) (Region Zentralschweiz):
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Questions and answers
In short, what does a Federal VET Diploma computer scientist do?
Information and communication technologies are everywhere today and frequently influence our everyday lives - for example through Instagram or weather forecasts. A Federal VET Diploma computer scientist plans, develops, installs and operates computers and other IT systems - from smartphones and networked cars to large industrial plants. Their activities also include implementation, testing and operation. He or she can use their IT knowledge to work in the company during the four-year computer scientist apprenticeship. The area of responsibility is geared towards the specialization of the Federal VET Diploma computer scientist apprenticeship: Application development (programming apps, interactive websites and other software applications), systems engineering (installing hardware and software and setting up computer networks) or business informatics (providing support with IT problems using computers, servers and networks). The work is therefore very exciting and varied. Federal VET Diploma computer scientists also attend vocational school 1 to 2 days a week throughout their apprenticeship to build up and expand their IT knowledge. They also attend 35 days of inter-company courses (ÜK) over the entire apprenticeship period.
What is a computer scientist with a Federal Diploma of Vocational Education and Training and what salary can be expected for a Federal VET Diploma computer scientist?
A computer scientist with a Federal Diploma of Vocational Education and Training has successfully completed an apprenticeship as a computer scientist. The Federal Diploma of Vocational Education and Training (VET) as a computer scientist is a certificate issued by the cantonal authorities confirming vocational education and training and can be completed with or without a Federal Vocational Baccalaureate. This means that the skills and abilities of the learner have been tested in the qualification procedure and found to be good. The Federal Diploma of Vocational Education and Training enables you to enter the world of work as a computer scientist and practice the profession you have learned. It can also be used to complete higher vocational training. The recommended salary for computer scientist Federal VET Diploma apprentices is CHF 550 - 650 in the first year of training, CHF 750 - 850 in the second year, CHF 950 - 1,100 in the third year and CHF 1,200 - 1,400 in the fourth year. According to a study by SwissICT, half of apprenticeship graduates have a gross annual income of 56,000 to 61,000 francs. However, the salary is set individually in each case. Your own salary can be roughly determined using Salarium (salary calculator from the Federal Statistical Office) by entering your personal values.
What types of IT apprenticeship are there? What are the differences between Federal VET Diploma computer scientist in systems engineering, Federal VET Diploma computer scientist in application development and Federal VET Diploma computer scientist in business informatics?
The Federal VET Diploma computer scientist develops, implements, installs, operates and maintains IT solutions. However, the area of responsibility differs depending on the chosen specialization of the computer scientist apprenticeship:
- Federal VET Diploma computer scientists in systems engineering (renamed "platform development" from 2021) are responsible for setting up and maintaining IT systems. They select suitable hardware and software and install PC workstations, printers and servers. They are responsible for constant availability, data backup and network security and rectify faults.
- Federal VET Diploma application development computer scientists are software specialists and implement software solutions for products and processes (e.g. programming a navigation system or a materials management system). To do this, they need the ability to understand the business processes of different industries and to analyze customer requirements.
- Federal VET Diploma computer scientists develop different technical specializations in this field. After analyzing problems, they create solution proposals using IT tools. They install servers and ICT networks, monitor them and ensure their further development. From 2020, business informatics will no longer be a specialization of the IT apprenticeship, but an independent apprenticeship as a Federal VET Diploma business IT specialist.
Federal VET Diploma in Computer Science: What do you need for the Federal VET Diploma in Computer Science?
Prospective Federal VET Diploma computer scientists need appropriate personal and academic qualifications. The personal requirements for the Federal VET Diploma as a computer scientist are:
- Enthusiasm for computers and technology
- Enjoy working with computers
- Enjoy solving tricky problems
- Quick comprehension
- Logical-abstract thinking
- Systematic way of working
- Curiosity, perseverance and patience
- Open to teamwork and communicative
- Independence, reliability and a sense of responsibility
The school requirements for the Federal VET Diploma in Computer Science are:
- Secondary school leaving certificate (ideally secondary level A) or comparable qualification
- Good grades in math and science subjects
- Good grades in German and English
What further development opportunities do you have as a computer scientist in systems engineering, computer scientist in application development or computer science platform development?
As a platform developer or specialist in ICT system and network technology, you have the following opportunities for further development:
- Courses from vocational and technical schools, universities, various professional associations and software and hardware manufacturers
- Seminars
- Higher professional examinations (HFP) to become a qualified ICT manager or qualified ICT security expert
- IT courses at universities of applied sciences, e.g. to become a qualified business IT specialist HF or a qualified computer scientist HF
- University of Applied Sciences degree programs in computer science, e.g. Bachelor FH in computer science or Bachelor FH in business informatics
What if I can't find an IT apprenticeship?
The IT apprenticeship is also available as a full-time school-based course. Or as a second course for adults. The professional practice is then deepened in an internship in an IT company. The IT apprenticeship takes place in modules according to the guidelines of ICT Vocational Training Switzerland and the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).
Apprenticeship as a computer scientist: Why do an apprenticeship as a computer scientist EFZ?
There are many good reasons why you should do an apprenticeship as a computer scientist EFZ:
- Computer scientists are needed in all sectors, so there are many job opportunities and vacancies after a computer science apprenticeship.
- The rapid development in the IT sector makes for interesting work and computer scientists EFZ are always learning something new.
- EFZ computer scientists use their skills to solve problems between people and machines. By continuously addressing trends and current issues, they actively shape the future.
- In the IT sector, you come into contact with different people from various companies and industries. This gives you an insight into different areas and job profiles. A good opportunity during the IT apprenticeship.
- IT specialists have an interface function between customers, team colleagues and clients. This requires a lot of communication, specialist knowledge and corresponding soft skills. This is what you learn in a computer scientist apprenticeship.
- There is an acute shortage of skilled workers in the IT sector, including computer scientists EFZ. This is why IT apprenticeships offer good future prospects, job security and attractive salaries.
What usually arouses interest in an apprenticeship as a "computer scientist (EFZ)"?
The results of a survey by show what usually arouses interest in an IT apprenticeship. 77% of all respondents are interested in the job and would like to find out whether it is the right apprenticeship for them. 10% of respondents stated that their interest arose from a recommendation. 13 % showed interest due to good job opportunities because of frequent mentions in advertisements. Free text responses also show other reasons for interest in an apprenticeship as a computer scientist (EFZ):
- I've always had a flair for computers and software and feel that now is the time for a new direction.
- Professional reorientation
- 2. training
- I am very interested in PCs in general and would like to build up some background knowledge
- I like this course
What impacts trigger a request to a school for additional information about the "Computer scientist (EFZ)" apprenticeship?
A survey of those interested in an apprenticeship as a computer scientist (EFZ) revealed the following triggering factor. 55 % of all survey participants asked schools for additional information about the IT apprenticeship after reading an online assessment. 17.5 % made an inquiry to schools they already knew. However, a further 27.5 % acted on the basis of a recommendation. Free text responses provided the following additional reasons for enquiring about schools for the computer scientist apprenticeship (EFZ):
- Just like that
- Google Search
- Internet research
What is a Federal VET Diploma computer scientist and what skills will they have after their apprenticeship as a computer scientist?
The skills acquired as a Federal VET Diploma computer scientist are as follows:
- Basics of application and web development
- Fundamentals of systems engineering
- Project work
- Application and web development (only for computer scientists Federal VET Diploma in application development)
- Systems engineering (only for Federal VET Diploma computer scientist in systems engineering and Federal VET Diploma computer scientist in business informatics)
You will acquire these skills during your apprenticeship as a computer scientist both through training at the vocational school and through practical work experience in the training company.
Tips, tests and information on "Computer scientist (EFZ)"
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