Company mentor (FPE): training, overview of offers and providers
Company mentor: Coaching in the working environment and company
Questions and answers
Is the company mentor training federally recognized?
Yes, the company mentor training prepares you for the professional examination for company mentors with a federal certificate. Since 2014, the two professional organizations SKO and SCA have been responsible for this federal examination. The necessary qualifications are generally acquired in the form of modules, thematic work, support concepts and individual mentoring.
What content is taught in the company mentor training program?
The learning content of the company mentor training course is as follows:
- Overview of the Federal Professional Examination for Company Mentor Certificate
- Communication and conversation techniques
- Personality - types and profiles
- Impulses from individual psychology
- Exam simulation
- Mindful use of your own resources
The modules resource-oriented coaching, solution-focused process support and company mentoring teach the professional support of individuals in learning, change and development processes.
What does a company mentor do?
A company mentor is responsible for the preparation and implementation of individual mentoring for professional learning, change and development processes. Based on the changed requirements and the needs of the person concerned, they draw up support concepts and keep the focus on the operational benefits at all times. Through personal discussions, company mentors help to mobilize employees' resources in order to overcome professional challenges and resolve conflicts.
How can you develop further with the company mentor certificate?
With the company mentor certificate, you can develop as follows:
- Courses from technical and vocational colleges and private training institutions
- Higher professional examination (HFP) for the federal diploma
- Counselor in the psychosocial field
- Supervisor/Coach
- Organizational consultant
- Higher technical college for certified adult educators HF
- Degree programs at universities of applied sciences in related fields, e.g. Bachelor/Master of Science (FH) in Applied Psychology
Company mentor vacancies: What personal requirements are placed on company mentors?
The personal requirements that are usually demanded in company mentor job offers are:
- Empathy
- Willingness to deal with yourself
- strong communication skills
What does the thematic work of a company mentor involve?
The thematic paper Company Mentor must be prepared in writing in advance. With the thematic paper, company mentors demonstrate their ability to network the various competencies of a company mentor. The chosen practice-oriented and mentoring-relevant topic can also be hypothetical and ideally includes a future activity that the company mentor is aiming for. The structure, assessment criteria and formal form are specified for the company mentor thematic assignment.
Company mentor jobs: Where do company mentors work?
A company mentor FA is employed in large and medium-sized companies in a wide range of industries, where they support individuals in change, learning and development processes. Company mentor jobs take place on an employee or mandate basis for organizations. In most cases, company mentors are involved in the quality assurance and controlling process.
What requirements must be met in order to be admitted to the Federal Diploma of Higher Education in Business Mentoring?
In order to be admitted to the Federal Diploma of Higher Education in Business Mentoring, you need a Federal VET Diploma or an equivalent qualification and at least 4 years of professional experience. Confirmation of participation in at least 9 reflection sessions with a maximum of 3 recognized mentors over a period of at least 6 months. Reflection and written experience report on the personal development process during the above-mentioned minimum of 6 months. In addition, proof of at least 20 individual sessions with at least 3 different people is required for the company mentor examination.
Tips, tests and information on "Company mentor (FPE)"
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